msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 2.4.0\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-09 12:11:21\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-10-09 12:11:21\n" "Last-Translator: admin \n" "Language-Team: en\n" "Language: hr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Open Classifieds 2.4.0\n" #: String 0 msgid "100" msgstr "100" #: String 1 msgid "1000" msgstr "1000" #: String 2 msgid "about a day" msgstr "otprilike dan" #: String 3 msgid "about a decade" msgstr "otprilike desetljeće" #: String 4 msgid "about a month" msgstr "otprilike mjesec" #: String 5 msgid "about a week" msgstr "otprilike tjedan" #: String 6 msgid "about a year" msgstr "otprilike godinu" #: String 7 msgid "A button with the page title appears next to other pay button, onclick model opens with description." msgstr "Gumb s nazivom stranice pojavljuje se pored ostalih gumbova plaćanja, model se otvara s opisom" #: String 8 msgid "Accept Terms Alert" msgstr "Prihvatite uvjete upozorenja" #: String 9 msgid "Access not allowed" msgstr "Pristup nije dozvoljen" #: String 10 msgid "a couple of days" msgstr "nekoliko dana" #: String 11 msgid "a couple of decades" msgstr "nekoliko desetljeća" #: String 12 msgid "a couple of hours" msgstr "nekoliko sati" #: String 13 msgid "a couple of months" msgstr "nekoliko mjeseci" #: String 14 msgid "a couple of years" msgstr "nekoliko godina" #: String 15 msgid "Action" msgstr "Aktivacija" #: String 16 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Aktivacije" #: String 17 msgid "Action Value:" msgstr "Vrijednost aktivacije:" #: String 18 msgid "Activate" msgstr "Pokrenuti" #: String 19 msgid "Activate?" msgstr "Pokrenuti?" #: String 20 msgid "Activates Blog posting" msgstr "Pokreće Blog objave" #: String 21 msgid "Activates FAQ" msgstr "Pokreće FAQ" #: String 22 msgid "Activates Forums" msgstr "Pokreće forume" #: String 23 msgid "Active" msgstr "Pokrenuto" #: String 24 msgid "Active Region Action" msgstr "Active Region Action" #: String 25 msgid "Ad" msgstr "Oglas" #: String 26 msgid "Add" msgstr "Dodaj" #: String 27 msgid "Add a chat room" msgstr "Dodaj chat sobu" #: String 28 msgid "Add a plan" msgstr "Dodaj plan" #: String 29 msgid "Add latest comments" msgstr "Dodaj posljednje komantare" #: String 30 msgid "Add names for multiple categories, for each one push enter." msgstr "Dodaj imena za više kategorija, za svaku pritisni enter" #: String 31 msgid "Add names for multiple locations, for each one push enter." msgstr "Dodaj imena za više lokacija, za svaku pritisni enter" #: String 32 msgid "Add New Review" msgstr "Dodaj novu recenziju" #: String 33 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresa" #: String 34 msgid "Address field" msgstr "Upis adrese" #: String 35 msgid "Add to Favorites" msgstr "Dodaj u favorite" #: String 36 msgid "Ad expiration date" msgstr "Datum isteka oglasa" #: String 37 msgid "Admin Privileged" msgstr "Dostupno samo adminu" #: String 38 msgid "Admin Role can not be modified!" msgstr "Uloga administratora ne može biti modificirana" #: String 39 msgid "Admin Tools to editing ads" msgstr "Administratorski alati za izmjenu oglasa" #: String 40 msgid "Ad Not Found" msgstr "Oglas nije pronađen" #: String 41 msgid "ads" msgstr "oglasi" #: String 42 msgid "Ads" msgstr "Oglasi" #: String 43 msgid "Ads deleted" msgstr "Oglasi izbrisani" #: String 44 msgid "Ads reader" msgstr "čitač oglasa" #: String 45 msgid "Ads title displayed" msgstr "Prikazan naslov oglasa" #: String 46 msgid "Ad Tools" msgstr "Alati oglasa" #: String 47 msgid "Advanced option" msgstr "Napredna postavka" #: String 48 msgid "Advanced Search" msgstr "Napredna pretraga" #: String 49 msgid "Advertisement" msgstr "Oglas" #: String 50 msgid "Advertisement Configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija oglasa" #: String 51 msgid "Advertisement Custom Fields" msgstr "Posebna polja oglasa" #: String 52 msgid "Advertisement Display Options" msgstr "Postavke prikaza oglasa" #: String 53 msgid "Advertisement Fields" msgstr "Polja oglasa" #: String 54 msgid "Advertisement has been permanently deleted" msgstr "Oglas je trajno izbrisan" #: String 55 msgid "Advertisement is active and published" msgstr "Oglas je aktivan i objavljen" #: String 56 msgid "Advertisement is deactivated" msgstr "Oglas je deaktiviran" #: String 57 msgid "Advertisement is featured" msgstr "Oglas je istaknut" #: String 58 msgid "Advertisement is marked as spam" msgstr "Oglas je označen kao spam" #: String 59 msgid "Advertisement is posted but first you need to activate. Please check your email!" msgstr "Oglas je postavljen, ali prvo morate aktivirati. Molimo provjerite svoj email!" #: String 60 msgid "Advertisement is posted. Congratulations!" msgstr "Oglas je objavljen. Čestitamo!" #: String 61 msgid "Advertisement is received, but first administrator needs to validate. Thank you for being patient!" msgstr "Oglas je zaprimljen, ali čeka na odobrenje administratora. Zahvaljujemo na strpljenju!" #: String 62 msgid "Advertisement is to top" msgstr "Izvršen je skok oglasa." #: String 63 msgid "Advertisement is updated" msgstr "Oglas je ažuriran" #: String 64 msgid "Advertisement is updated, but first administrator needs to validate. Thank you for being patient!" msgstr "Oglas je ažuriran, ali prvo ga administrator mora odobriti. Zahvaljujemo na strpljenju!" #: String 65 msgid " advertisements" msgstr "oglasi" #: String 66 msgid "Advertisements" msgstr "Oglasi" #: String 67 msgid "Advertisements in home" msgstr "Oglasi na početnoj" #: String 68 msgid "Advertisements in Map" msgstr "Oglasi na karti" #: String 69 msgid "Advertisements in RSS" msgstr "Oglasi u RSS" #: String 70 msgid "Advertisements per page" msgstr "Oglasa po stranici" #: String 71 msgid "Advertisement Title" msgstr "Naslov oglasa" #: String 72 msgid "a few minutes" msgstr "par minuta" #: String 73 msgid "a few years" msgstr "par godina" #: String 74 msgid "After how many days an Ad will expire. 0 for never" msgstr "Nakon koliko dana će oglas isteći. 0 za nikada" #: String 75 msgid " ago" msgstr " ago" #: String 76 msgid "Akismet Key" msgstr "Akisment ključ" #: String 77 msgid "all" msgstr "sve" #: String 78 msgid "All" msgstr "Sve" #: String 79 msgid "All active users." msgstr "Svi aktivni korisnici" #: String 80 msgid "All ads" msgstr "Svi oglasi" #: String 81 msgid "All ads are processed! Congrats!" msgstr "Svi oglasi su obrađeni. Čestitamo!" #: String 82 msgid "All cache deleted" msgstr "Cache obrisan" #: String 83 msgid "All categories were deleted." msgstr "Sve kategorije su obrisane" #: String 84 msgid "All configurations" msgstr "Sve postavke" #: String 85 msgid "All data contained will be deleted." msgstr "Svi sadržani podaci će biti izbrisani." #: String 86 msgid "All locations were deleted." msgstr "Sve lokacije su izbrisane." #: String 87 msgid "Allowed image formats" msgstr "Dopušteni formati fotografija" #: String 88 msgid "All themes include support, updates and 1 site license." msgstr "Sve teme uključuju podršku, ažuriranja i licencu za 1 site." #: String 89 msgid "a long time" msgstr "dugo" #: String 90 msgid "Also white labeled and free of ads" msgstr "Isto bez autorskih potpisa" #: String 91 msgid "Alternative Payment" msgstr "Alternativno plaćanje" #: String 92 msgid "Amazon S3 active" msgstr "Amazon S3 aktiviran" #: String 93 msgid "Amazon S3 Bucket Name" msgstr "Amazon S3 Bucket ime" #: String 94 msgid "Amazon S3 Configuration" msgstr "Amazon S3 konfiguracija" #: String 95 msgid "Amount" msgstr "Iznos" #: String 96 msgid "Analytics Tracking ID" msgstr "ID za praćenje Analytics-a" #: String 97 msgid "API Password" msgstr "API lozinka" #: String 98 msgid "API Username" msgstr "API korisničko ime" #: String 99 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Izgled" #: String 100 msgid "Appearance configuration updated" msgstr "Konfiguracija izgleda je ažurirana" #: String 101 msgid "Appears when user registers." msgstr "Pojavljuje se kada se korisnik registrira." #: String 102 msgid "Appends watermark to images" msgstr "Postavlja vodeni žig na fotografiju" #: String 103 msgid "Application Execution" msgstr "Izvršenje aplikacije" #: String 104 msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni?" #: String 105 msgid "Are you sure you want to deactivate featured advertisement?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite deaktivirati istaknute oglase?" #: String 106 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati?" #: String 107 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete? All data contained in this field will be deleted." msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati. Svi podaci iz ovog polja će biti izbrisani." #: String 108 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all the categories?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati sve kategorije?" #: String 109 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all the locations?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati sve lokacije?" #: String 110 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete? We will move the siblings locations and ads to the parent of this location." msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati? Premjestiti ćemo lokacije i oglase "roditelju" ove lokacije." #: String 111 msgid "Are you sure you want to make it featured?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite istaknuti?" #: String 112 msgid "Are you sure you want to make it to top?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite pomaknuti na vrh?" #: String 113 msgid "Are you sure you want to refresh listing and go to top?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite osvježiti popis i skočiti na vrh?" #: String 114 msgid "Are you sure you want to update?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite ažurirati?" #: String 115 msgid "arguments" msgstr "argumenti" #: String 116 msgid "At least one image format should be allowed." msgstr "Barem jedan format fotografija mora biti dozvoljen." #: String 117 msgid "A user with the email you specified already exists" msgstr "Korisnik s adresom e-pošte koju ste unijeli već postoji" #: String 118 msgid "Authorize API Login" msgstr "Autorizacija API prijave." #: String 119 msgid "Authorize transaction Key" msgstr "Autorizacija transakcijskog ključa." #: String 120 msgid "Auto Locate Visitors" msgstr "Automatsko lociranje posjetitelja" #: String 121 msgid "Available Mobile Themes" msgstr "Dostupne mobilne teme" #: String 122 msgid "Available Themes" msgstr "Dostupne teme" #: String 123 msgid "Available widgets" msgstr "Dostupni widget-i" #: String 124 msgid "AWS Access Key" msgstr "AWS pristupni ključ" #: String 125 msgid "AWS Secret Key" msgstr "AWS tajni ključ" #: String 126 msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Boja pozadine" #: String 127 msgid "Backup all your files and database" msgstr "Backup svih podataka i baze podataka" #: String 128 msgid "Banned word replacement replaces selected array with the string you provided." msgstr "Zamjena za zabranjenu riječ zamjenjuje odabrani red sa riječima koje ste unijeli." #: String 129 msgid "Banned words" msgstr "Zabranjene riječi" #: String 130 msgid "Banned words are separated with coma (,)" msgstr "Zabranjene riječi su odvojene zarezom (,)" #: String 131 msgid "Banned words replacement" msgstr "Zamjena za zabranjene riječi" #: String 132 msgid "Benchmark" msgstr "Testiranje" #: String 133 msgid "Bitpay api key" msgstr "Bitpay API ključ" #: String 134 msgid "Black list" msgstr "Crna lista" #: String 135 msgid "Black List" msgstr "Crna lista" #: String 136 msgid "Blog" msgstr "Blog" #: String 137 msgid "Blog post" msgstr "Blog objava" #: String 138 msgid "Blog post created" msgstr "Objava na blogu je kreirana" #: String 139 msgid "Blog post updated" msgstr "Objava na blogu je ažurirana" #: String 140 msgid "blog section." msgstr "blog sekcija" #: String 141 msgid "Bring to top Ad" msgstr ""Skok na vrh" oglas" #: String 142 msgid "Browse" msgstr "Pregled" #: String 143 msgid "Browse childs" msgstr "Pregled "djece"" #: String 144 msgid "Browse Themes" msgstr "Pregled tema" #: String 145 msgid "Buy a Theme" msgstr "Kupi temu" #: String 146 msgid "Buy Now" msgstr "Kupi odmah" #: String 147 msgid "Buy product" msgstr "Kupi proizvod" #: String 148 msgid "buy your SSL certificate here" msgstr "kupite svoj SSL certifikat ovdje" #: String 149 msgid "Cache" msgstr "Cache" #: String 150 msgid "Cache configuration information" msgstr "Informacije o konfiguraciji Cache memorije" #: String 151 msgid "Can be seen and edited only by admin." msgstr "Samo administrator može pregledavati i mijenjati." #: String 152 msgid "Can be seen in the list of ads while browsing." msgstr "Vidljivo u listi oglasa prilikom pregleda." #: String 153 msgid "Can be seen in the user profile." msgstr "Vidljivo u profilu korisnika." #: String 154 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Otkaži" #: String 155 msgid "Cannot delete widget %s" msgstr "Neuspjelo brisanje widget-a %s" #: String 156 msgid "Captcha" msgstr "Captcha" #: String 157 msgid "Captcha appears in the form." msgstr "Captcha se pojavljuje u formi" #: String 158 msgid "Captcha is not correct" msgstr "Neispravna Captcha" #: String 159 msgid "Card Number" msgstr "Broj kartice" #: String 160 msgid "Cars" msgstr "Automobili" #: String 161 msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategorije" #: String 162 msgid "Categories successfully imported." msgstr "Kategorije uspješno uvezene" #: String 163 msgid "Categories title displayed" msgstr "Prikazan naslov kategorija" #: String 164 msgid "category" msgstr "kategorija" #: String 165 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategorija" #: String 166 msgid "Category created" msgstr "Kategorija izrađena" #: String 167 msgid "Category deleted" msgstr "Kategorija izbrisana" #: String 168 msgid "Category details" msgstr "Detalji kategorije" #: String 169 msgid "Category icon" msgstr "Ikona kategorije" #: String 170 msgid "Category not deleted" msgstr "Kategorija nije izbrisana" #: String 171 msgid "Changelog" msgstr "Dnevnik promjena" #: String 172 msgid "Change password" msgstr "Promjena lozinke" #: String 173 msgid "Change plan" msgstr "Promjena plana" #: String 174 msgid "Change the admin color theme" msgstr "Promjena teme admin sučelja" #: String 175 msgid "Change the color theme" msgstr "Promjena boja" #: String 176 msgid "Change the order of your categories. Keep in mind that more than 2 levels nested probably won´t be displayed in the theme (it is not recommended)." msgstr "Promijeni redoslijed kategorija. Imajte na umu da više od 2 nivoa neće biti ispravno prikazani u temi (nije preporučljivo)." #: String 177 msgid "Change the order of your forums. Keep in mind that more than 2 levels nested probably won´t be displayed in the theme (it is not recommended)." msgstr "Promijeni redoslijed foruma. Imajte na umu da više od 2 nivoa neće biti ispravno prikazani u temi (nije preporučljivo)." #: String 178 msgid "Change the order of your locations. Keep in mind that more than 2 levels nested probably won´t be displayed in the theme (it is not recommended)." msgstr "Promijeni redoslijed lokacija. Imajte na umu da više od 2 nivoa neće biti ispravno prikazani u temi (nije preporučljivo)." #: String 179 msgid "Charts" msgstr "Dijagrami" #: String 180 msgid "Chat" msgstr "Chat" #: String 181 msgid "Chat height in PX" msgstr "Visina chata u pikselima" #: String 182 msgid "Chat room" msgstr "Chat soba" #: String 183 msgid "Check" msgstr "Označi" #: String 184 msgid "Checkbox" msgstr "Checkbox" #: String 185 msgid "Checked for new versions." msgstr "Provjereno za nove verzije." #: String 186 msgid "Check form for errors" msgstr "Provjera forme za greške" #: String 187 msgid "Check for updates" msgstr "Provjera ažuriranja" #: String 188 msgid "Checkout" msgstr "Naplata" #: String 189 msgid "Check the form for errors" msgstr "Provjera forme za greške" #: String 190 msgid "Choose 1 or several categories" msgstr "Izaberite jednu ili više kategorija" #: String 191 msgid "Choose the quality of the stored images (1-100% of the original)." msgstr "Izaberite kvalitetu pohranjenih fotografija (1-100% originala)" #: String 192 msgid "City" msgstr "Grad" #: String 193 msgid "Classifieds" msgstr "Oglasi" #: String 194 msgid "Click here if you are not redirected" msgstr "Kliknite ovdje ako niste preusmjereni" #: String 195 msgid "Close" msgstr "Zatvori" #: String 196 msgid "Collapse menu" msgstr "Zatvori izbornik" #: String 197 msgid "Color:" msgstr "Boja:" #: String 198 msgid "Comma separated for select" msgstr "Odvojeno zarezom za odabir" #: String 199 msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentari" #: String 200 msgid "Comments Configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija komentara" #: String 201 msgid "community forums." msgstr "forumi zajednice." #: String 202 msgid "Config file" msgstr "Konfiguracijska datoteka" #: String 203 msgid "contact" msgstr "kontakt" #: String 204 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontakt" #: String 205 msgid "Contact form" msgstr "Kontakt forma" #: String 206 msgid "Contact form appears in the ad." msgstr "Kontakt forma se pojavljuje u oglasu" #: String 207 msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Kontakti" #: String 208 msgid "Contact Us" msgstr "Kontaktirajte nas" #: String 209 msgid "Content" msgstr "Sadržaj" #: String 210 msgid "Content shift right to left" msgstr "Sadržaj se prebacuje s desna na lijevo" #: String 211 msgid "Content that will be displayed to the user after he publishes an ad" msgstr "Sadržaj koji će biti prikazan korisniku nakon što objavi oglas" #: String 212 msgid "Continent" msgstr "Kontinent" #: String 213 msgid "Control the size of images being uploaded. Enter an integer value to set maximum image size in mega bites(Mb)." msgstr "Kontrola veličine fotografije koja će biti isporučena. Unesite vrijednost maksimalne veličine fotografije u Mb." #: String 214 msgid "Convert" msgstr "Pretvoriti" #: String 215 msgid "Convert Address into Lat/Lon:" msgstr "Pretvoriti adresu u Lat/Lon:" #: String 216 msgid "Cookie consent" msgstr "Suglasnost o kolačićima" #: String 217 msgid "Copy all?, Be aware this will replace all your texts." msgstr "Kopirati sve? Ovo će zamijeniti sve vaše tekstove." #: String 218 msgid "Could not create bitpay invoice" msgstr "Nije moguće napraviti bitpay račun" #: String 219 msgid "Country" msgstr "Država" #: String 220 msgid "Count visits" msgstr "Brojač posjeta" #: String 221 msgid "Count visits ads" msgstr "Brojač posjeta oglasima" #: String 222 msgid "County" msgstr "Županija" #: String 223 msgid "Create" msgstr "Kreiraj" #: String 224 msgid "Create all new %s from original" msgstr "Kreiraj sve novo %s iz originala" #: String 225 msgid "Create a new profile at" msgstr "Kreiraj novi profil u" #: String 226 msgid "Create Blog Post" msgstr "Kreiraj objavu na blogu" #: String 227 msgid "Create custom fields among predefined templates." msgstr "Kreiraj korisnička polja kroz predefinirani predložak" #: String 228 msgid "Created" msgstr "Kreirano" #: String 229 msgid "Create Menu Item" msgstr "Kreiraj stavku izbornika" #: String 230 msgid "Create new forum" msgstr "Kreiraj novi forum" #: String 231 msgid "Crontab" msgstr "Plan Cron-a" #: String 232 msgid "CSS" msgstr "CSS" #: String 233 msgid "CSS file not saved" msgstr "CSS datoteka nije spremljena" #: String 234 msgid "CSS file saved" msgstr "CSS datoteka spremljena" #: String 235 msgid "Currency" msgstr "Valuta" #: String 236 msgid "Current" msgstr "Trenutno" #: String 237 msgid "Current CSS file" msgstr "Trenutna CSS datoteka" #: String 238 msgid "Current Theme" msgstr "Trenutna tema" #: String 239 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Posebno" #: String 240 msgid "Custom CSS" msgstr "Poseban CSS" #: String 241 msgid "Custom Fields" msgstr "Posebna polja" #: String 242 msgid "Custom fields are only available with premium themes!" msgstr "Posebna polja su dostupna samo u Premium temi" #: String 243 msgid "Custom Fields for Advertisements" msgstr "Posebna polja za oglase" #: String 244 msgid "Custom Fields for users" msgstr "Posebna polja za korisnike" #: String 245 msgid "Custom Fields for Users" msgstr "Posebna polja za korisnike" #: String 246 msgid "Custom fields in search" msgstr "Posebna polja u pretrazi" #: String 247 msgid "Custom Fields Templates" msgstr "Predlošci posebnih polja" #: String 248 msgid "Customize your profile, upload a photo, description and change your password." msgstr "Prilagodite svoj profil, dodajte fotografiju, opis i promijenite svoju lozinku." #: String 249 msgid "Customize your website look and feel by choosing one of the many available themes and changing theme options." msgstr "Prilagodite svoju web stranicu odabirom jedne od nekoliko tema i promjenom postavki teme." #: String 250 msgid "Custom menu" msgstr "Poseban izbornik" #: String 251 msgid "%d Ads imported, click process to start migration" msgstr "%d Oglasi uvezeni, kliknite provedi za početak migracije" #: String 252 msgid "Database charset" msgstr "Sustav znakova baze podataka" #: String 253 msgid "Database cleaned" msgstr "Baza podataka očišćena" #: String 254 msgid "Database name" msgstr "Naziv baze podataka" #: String 255 msgid "Database Optimized" msgstr "Baza podataka optimizirana" #: String 256 msgid "Database space" msgstr "Prostor baze podataka" #: String 257 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: String 258 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Format datuma" #: String 259 msgid "Date Paid" msgstr "Datum plaćanja" #: String 260 msgid "Days" msgstr "Dani" #: String 261 msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "Deaktivirati" #: String 262 msgid "Deactivate?" msgstr "Deaktivirati?" #: String 263 msgid "Deactivated" msgstr "Deaktivirano" #: String 264 msgid "Deactivate featured" msgstr "Deaktivirati istaknuto" #: String 265 msgid "Deactivate featured?" msgstr "Deaktivirati istaknuto?" #: String 266 msgid "Deactivate Featured" msgstr "Deaktivirati istaknuto" #: String 267 msgid "Debug Mode" msgstr "Modul Debug-a" #: String 268 msgid "Decimal representation" msgstr "Decimalni prikaz" #: String 269 msgid "Default" msgstr "Zadano (početno)" #: String 270 msgid "Default links" msgstr "Zadani linkovi" #: String 271 msgid "Default state for list/grid in listing" msgstr "Zadana država za prikaz u popisu" #: String 272 msgid "Default value:" msgstr "Zadana vrijednost:" #: String 273 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Izbrisati" #: String 274 msgid "Delete?" msgstr "Izbrisati?" #: String 275 msgid "Delete all" msgstr "Izbrisati sve" #: String 276 msgid "Delete All" msgstr "Izbrisati sve" #: String 277 msgid "Delete All?" msgstr "Izbrisati sve?" #: String 278 msgid "Delete all categories" msgstr "Izbrisati sve kategorije" #: String 279 msgid "Delete all locations" msgstr "Izbrisati sve lokacije" #: String 280 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Izbrisano" #: String 281 msgid "Deleted expired cache" msgstr "Izbrisan istekli "cache"" #: String 282 msgid "Delete expired" msgstr "Izbrisati istekle" #: String 283 msgid "Delete icon" msgstr "Izbrisati ikonu" #: String 284 msgid "Delete icon?" msgstr "Izbrisati ikonu?" #: String 285 msgid "Delete image" msgstr "Izbrisati fotografiju" #: String 286 msgid "Delete photo" msgstr "Izbrisati fotografiju" #: String 287 msgid "Delete photo?" msgstr "Izbrisati fotografiju?" #: String 288 msgid "Description" msgstr "Opis" #: String 289 msgid "Description of your site in no more than 160 characters." msgstr "Opis vaše stranice u ne više od 160 znakova." #: String 290 msgid "Disable" msgstr "Isključiti" #: String 291 msgid "Disable category counter badge" msgstr "Isključiti brojač kategorija" #: String 292 msgid "Disables generated map on homepage" msgstr "Isključiti generiranje mape na početnoj stranici" #: String 293 msgid "Disallow nude pictures" msgstr "Onemogućiti gole fotografije" #: String 294 msgid "disallow_nudes" msgstr "disallow_nudes" #: String 295 msgid "Disallows (blocks) Bots and Crawlers" msgstr "Onemogućiti (blokirati) Botove i robote" #: String 296 msgid "Disallows (blocks) Bots and Crawlers on this website" msgstr "Onemogućiti (blokirati) Botove i robote na ovoj web stranici." #: String 297 msgid "Disallows Bots and Crawlers on the website" msgstr "Onemogućiti Botove i robote na ovoj web stranici." #: String 298 msgid "Display breadcrumb" msgstr "Prikaz "breadcrumb"-ova" #: String 299 msgid "Display categories" msgstr "Prikaz kategorija" #: String 300 msgid "Display CMS pages" msgstr "Prikaz CMS stranica" #: String 301 msgid "Display Featured Ads" msgstr "Prikaz istaknutih oglasa" #: String 302 msgid "Display Interactive Map" msgstr "Prikaz interaktivne mape" #: String 303 msgid "Display Locations" msgstr "Prikaz lokacija" #: String 304 msgid "Display Mode" msgstr "Način prikaza" #: String 305 msgid "Display site stats" msgstr "Prikaz statistike web stranice" #: String 306 msgid "Display slider in listing" msgstr "Prikaz "slider"-a u oglasu" #: String 307 msgid "Displays location select" msgstr "Prikazuje odabir lokacije" #: String 308 msgid "Displays the field Address in the Ad form." msgstr "Prikazuje polje adrese u formi oglasa." #: String 309 msgid "Displays the field Phone in the Ad form." msgstr "Prikazuje polje telefonskog broja u formi oglasa." #: String 310 msgid "Displays the field Price in the Ad form." msgstr "Prikazuje polje cijene u formi oglasa." #: String 311 msgid "Displays the field Website in the Ad form." msgstr "Prikazuje polje web stranice u formi oglasa." #: String 312 msgid "Displays the google maps in the Ad." msgstr "Prikazuje Google mape u oglasu." #: String 313 msgid "Displays the google maps in the Publish new form." msgstr "Prikazuje Google mape u formi objave novog." #: String 314 msgid "Displays the Select Location in the Ad form." msgstr "Prikazuje odabir lokacije u formi oglasa." #: String 315 msgid "Disqus" msgstr "Disqus" #: String 316 msgid "Disqus Comments" msgstr "Komentari Disqus" #: String 317 msgid "Disqus for blog" msgstr "Disqus za blog" #: String 318 msgid "Disqus for Blog Comments" msgstr "Disqus za komentare na blogu" #: String 319 msgid "Disqus for FAQ" msgstr "Disqus za FAQ" #: String 320 msgid "Disqus for FAQ Comments" msgstr "Disqus za komentare na FAQ" #: String 321 msgid "Distance" msgstr "Udaljenost" #: String 322 msgid "Download" msgstr "Preuzimanje" #: String 323 msgid "download example" msgstr "preuzimanje primjera" #: String 324 msgid "Each advertisement has a publish date. By selecting format, you can change how it is shown on your website." msgstr "Svaki oglas ima datum objave. Odabirom formata, možete promijeniti kako je prikazan na vašoj web stranici." #: String 325 msgid "Each image is resized when uploaded. This is the height of big image. Note: you can leave this field blank to set AUTO height resize." msgstr "Svakoj fotografiji se prilagođava veličina prilikom isporuke. Ovo je visina velike fotografije. Napomena: možete ovo polje ostaviti prazno za automatsko postavljanje visine." #: String 326 msgid "Each image is resized when uploaded. This is the width of big image." msgstr "Svakoj fotografiji se prilagođava veličina prilikom isporuke. Ovo je širina velike fotografije." #: String 327 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Uredi" #: String 328 msgid "Edit advertisement" msgstr "Uredi oglas" #: String 329 msgid "Edit Advertisement" msgstr "Uredi oglas" #: String 330 msgid "Edit Blog Post" msgstr "Uredi objavu na blogu" #: String 331 msgid "Edit category" msgstr "Uredi kategoriju" #: String 332 msgid "Edit Custom Field" msgstr "Uredi posebno polje" #: String 333 msgid "Edit Custom Field for Advertisement" msgstr "Uredi posebno polje za oglas" #: String 334 msgid "Edit forum" msgstr "Uredi forum" #: String 335 msgid "Edit Forum" msgstr "Uredi forum" #: String 336 msgid "Edit location" msgstr "Uredi lokaciju" #: String 337 msgid "Edit Menu" msgstr "Uredi izbornik" #: String 338 msgid "Edit profile" msgstr "Uredi profil" #: String 339 msgid "Edit Profile" msgstr "Uredi profil" #: String 340 msgid "Edit Topic" msgstr "Uredi temu" #: String 341 msgid "Edit Translation" msgstr "Uredi prijevod" #: String 342 msgid "ElasticEmail active" msgstr "ElasticEmail aktivan" #: String 343 msgid "ElasticEmail Configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija ElasticEmail-a" #: String 344 msgid "email" msgstr "email" #: String 345 msgid "Email" msgstr "Email" #: String 346 msgid "Email Configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija Email-a" #: String 347 msgid "Email Configuration updated" msgstr "Konfiguracija Email-a ažurirana" #: String 348 msgid "Email confirmation on" msgstr "Potvrda Email-om" #: String 349 msgid "Email confirmation with Moderation" msgstr "Potvrda Email-om i moderacija" #: String 350 msgid "Email From" msgstr "Email od" #: String 351 msgid "Email from where we send the emails, also used for software communications." msgstr "Email s kojega šaljemo email-ove. Također se koristi za komunikaciju sa software-om." #: String 352 msgid "Email sent" msgstr "Email poslan" #: String 353 msgid "Email Settings" msgstr "Postavke Email-a" #: String 354 msgid "Email Setup and emails configuration values. Replace input fields with new desired values" msgstr "Vrijednosti Email postavki i konfiguracije Email-a. Zamijenite postojeće vrijednosti sa svojim vrijednostima." #: String 355 msgid "Email to recover password sent" msgstr "Email za oporavak lozinke poslan" #: String 356 msgid "Enable" msgstr "Omogući" #: String 357 msgid "Enable Additional Features" msgstr "Omogući dodatne mogućnosti" #: String 358 msgid "Enable reCAPTCHA as captcha provider" msgstr "Omogući reCAPTCHA kao pružatelja CAPTCH-e" #: String 359 msgid "Enable reviews" msgstr "Omogući recenzije" #: String 360 msgid "Enables an alert to accept cookies" msgstr "Uključuje upozorenje o prihvaćanju kolačića" #: String 361 msgid "Enables Captcha" msgstr "Omogući Captcha-u" #: String 362 msgid "Enables Contact Form" msgstr "Omogućuje kontakt formu" #: String 363 msgid "Enables reviews for ads and the users." msgstr "Omogućuje recenzije za oglase i korisnike." #: String 364 msgid "Enables the site to maintenance" msgstr "Uključuje mod održavanja stranice" #: String 365 msgid "Environment" msgstr "Okolina" #: String 366 msgid "Error" msgstr "Greška" #: String 367 msgid "Error on mail delivery, not sent" msgstr "Pogreška prilikom isporuke mail-a, nije poslano" #: String 368 msgid "Error: please try again!" msgstr "Greška: molimo pokušajte ponovno!" #: String 369 msgid "Expiration Date" msgstr "Datum isteka" #: String 370 msgid "Expire days" msgstr "Dani isteka" #: String 371 msgid "Ex. Url for Open Url Action." msgstr "" #: String 372 msgid "Facebook comments" msgstr "Facebook komentari" #: String 373 msgid "Facebook Comments" msgstr "Facebook komentari" #: String 374 msgid "Failed to load content" msgstr "Neuspjelo učitavanje sadržaja" #: String 375 msgid "FALSE" msgstr "Krivo" #: String 376 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "ČPP" #: String 377 msgid "Favorited" msgstr "Omiljeni" #: String 378 msgid "Feature ad" msgstr "Istaknuti oglas" #: String 379 msgid "Featured" msgstr "Istaknuto" #: String 380 msgid "Featured ads" msgstr "Istaknuti oglasi" #: String 381 msgid "Featured Ads" msgstr "Istaknuti oglasi" #: String 382 msgid "Featured Ads Random" msgstr "Nasumično istaknuti oglasi" #: String 383 msgid "Featured ads will be highlighted for a defined number of days." msgstr "Istaknuti oglasi će biti istaknuti definirani broj dana" #: String 384 msgid "Featured Plan" msgstr "Istaknuti plan" #: String 385 msgid "Featured Plans" msgstr "Istaknuti planovi" #: String 386 msgid "Featured plan updated" msgstr "Istaknuti plan ažuriran" #: String 387 msgid "Featured Random" msgstr "Nasumično istaknuti" #: String 388 msgid "Featured title displayed" msgstr "Prikazan istaknuti naslov" #: String 389 msgid "Field %s already exists" msgstr "Polje %s već postoji" #: String 390 msgid "Field %s cannot be edited" msgstr "Polje %s ne može biti mijenjano" #: String 391 msgid "Field %s created" msgstr "Polje %s kreirano" #: String 392 msgid "Field %s deleted" msgstr "Polje %s izbrisano" #: String 393 msgid "Field %s does not exists" msgstr "Polje &s ne postoji" #: String 394 msgid "Field %s edited" msgstr "Polje %s promijenjeno" #: String 395 msgid "File" msgstr "Datoteka" #: String 396 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: String 397 msgid "Find latitude & longitude" msgstr "Pronađi latitudu i longitudu" #: String 398 msgid "Find %s‘s latitude & longitude" msgstr "Pronađi %s‘s latitudu i longitudu" #: String 399 msgid "First" msgstr "Prvo" #: String 400 msgid "Follow the suggestions above." msgstr "Slijedite instrukcije" #: String 401 msgid "Footer banner, allows HTML" msgstr "Banner podnožja, omogućen HTML" #: String 402 msgid "For banned word push enter." msgstr "Pritisnite Enter za zabranjenu riječ." #: String 403 msgid "Forgot password" msgstr "Zaboravljena lozinka" #: String 404 msgid "Forgot password?" msgstr "Zaboravljena lozinka?" #: String 405 msgid "formats only" msgstr "samo formati" #: String 406 msgid "Forum" msgstr "Forum" #: String 407 msgid "Forum deleted" msgstr "Forum izbrisan" #: String 408 msgid "Forum is created." msgstr "Forum je kreiran." #: String 409 msgid "Forum is updated." msgstr "Forum je ažuriran." #: String 410 msgid "Forum Limit, if none display all" msgstr "Limit foruma, ako nije uneseno prikaži sve" #: String 411 msgid "Forum not deleted" msgstr "Forum nije izbrisan" #: String 412 msgid "Forum parent" msgstr "Forum roditelj" #: String 413 msgid "forums" msgstr "forumi" #: String 414 msgid "Forums" msgstr "Forumi" #: String 415 msgid "Forum Search" msgstr "Pretraga foruma" #: String 416 msgid "forum title displayed" msgstr "prikazan naslov foruma" #: String 417 msgid "Forum topic" msgstr "Tema na forumu" #: String 418 msgid "Forum topic reader" msgstr "Čitalac teme na forumu" #: String 419 msgid "Forum Topics" msgstr "Teme na forumu" #: String 420 msgid "frequently asked questions." msgstr "često postavljana pitanja." #: String 421 msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" msgstr "Često postavljana pitanja" #: String 422 msgid " Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ" msgstr "Često postavljana pitanja - FAQ" #: String 423 msgid "Friendship and Dating" msgstr "Prijateljstva i spojevi" #: String 424 msgid "From" msgstr "Od" #: String 425 msgid "from_email" msgstr "from_email" #: String 426 msgid "From email" msgstr "Email od" #: String 427 msgid "From Email" msgstr "Email Od" #: String 428 msgid "General" msgstr "Opće" #: String 429 msgid "General Configuration" msgstr "Opća konfiguracija" #: String 430 msgid "General Configuration updated" msgstr "Opća konfiguracija ažurirana" #: String 431 msgid "General site settings." msgstr "Opća konfiguracija stranice." #: String 432 msgid "Generate" msgstr "Generiraj" #: String 433 msgid "Generate an interactive map for your classifieds website" msgstr "Generiraj interaktivnu mapu za svoju web stranicu" #: String 434 msgid "Get Latitude and Longitude" msgstr "Dohvati latitudu i longitudu" #: String 435 msgid "Gets Ads Latitude and Longitude from Google Maps API using advertisements address" msgstr "Dohvaća latitudu i longitudu oglasa iz Google Maps API-a koristeći adresu oglašivača" #: String 436 msgid "Get started by creating and editing categories and locations for your site here." msgstr "Ovdje započnite kreiranjem i mijenjanjem kategorija i lokacija za vašu web stranicu." #: String 437 msgid "Go Featured!" msgstr "Istakni!" #: String 438 msgid "Google map default latitude coordinates" msgstr "Početne koordinate latitude Google Maps-a" #: String 439 msgid "Google map default longitude coordinates" msgstr "Početne kordinate longitude Google Maps-a" #: String 440 msgid "Google map default zoom level " msgstr "Zadana razina zoom-a Google Maps-a" #: String 441 msgid "Google Maps" msgstr "Google Maps" #: String 442 msgid "Google Maps in Ad" msgstr "Google Maps u oglasu" #: String 443 msgid "Google Maps in Publish New" msgstr "Google Maps u objavi novog" #: String 444 msgid "Google Maps Settings" msgstr "Postavke Google Maps-a" #: String 445 msgid "Google Maps with ads" msgstr "Google Maps s oglasima" #: String 446 msgid "Google map zoom level" msgstr "Razina zoom-a Google Maps-a" #: String 447 msgid "Go Top!" msgstr "Skok na vrh!" #: String 448 msgid "Go to top" msgstr "Idi na vrh" #: String 449 msgid "Go to Website" msgstr "Idi na stranicu" #: String 450 msgid "Go to Your Website" msgstr "Idi na stranicu" #: String 451 msgid "Grid" msgstr "Mreža" #: String 452 msgid "has been disable for posting, due to recent spam content!" msgstr "je zabranjeno objavljivanje zbog nedavnog spam sadržaja!" #: String 453 msgid "Has image" msgstr "Has slika" #: String 454 msgid "Has images" msgstr "Has slike" #: String 455 msgid "Have you forgotten your password?" msgstr "Jeste li zaboravili svoju lozinku?" #: String 456 msgid "Header banner, allows HTML" msgstr "Banner zaglavlja, dozvoljen HTML" #: String 457 msgid "Heads Up!" msgstr "Glavu gore!" #: String 458 msgid "Height (px)" msgstr "Visina (px)" #: String 459 msgid "Hello, world" msgstr "Hello, world" #: String 460 msgid "Help us improve!" msgstr "Pomozite nam poboljšati se!" #: String 461 msgid "Here are listed specific theme configuration values. Replace input fields with new desired values for the theme." msgstr "Ovdje su navedene određene vrijednosti za konfiguraciju teme. Promijenite vrijednosti novim postavkama za temu." #: String 462 msgid "Here you can declare your display name. This is seen by everyone!" msgstr "Ovdje možete postaviti svoje ime koje će se prikazivati. Ovo je vidljivo svakome!" #: String 463 msgid "Here you can find a selection of our premium themes." msgstr "Ovdje možete pronaći naše premium teme." #: String 464 msgid "Here you can modify any text you find in your web." msgstr "Ovdje možete izmijeniti bilo koji tekst koji se pojavljuje na vašoj stranici." #: String 465 msgid "Here you can reset your password if you forgot it." msgstr "Ovdje možete resetirati svoju lozinku ako ste ju zaboravili." #: String 466 msgid "Hey!" msgstr "Hej!" #: String 467 msgid "Hide translated texts" msgstr "Sakrij prevedene tekstove" #: String 468 msgid "Hit enter to confirm" msgstr "Pritisnite Enter za potvrdu" #: String 469 msgid "Hits" msgstr "Klikovi" #: String 470 msgid "Home" msgstr "Početna" #: String 471 msgid "Homepage Only Header, allows HTML" msgstr "Zaglavlje koje je samo na početnoj stranici, HTML dozvoljen" #: String 472 msgid "Hosting limit" msgstr "Limit hostinga" #: String 473 msgid "Host name" msgstr "Naziv host-a" #: String 474 msgid "How many ads are going to appear in the map of your site." msgstr "Koliko će se oglasa pojavljivati u mapi stranice." #: String 475 msgid "How many ads are going to appear in the RSS of your site." msgstr "Koliko će se oglasa pojavljivati u RSS-u stranice." #: String 476 msgid "How much the user needs to pay to top up an Ad" msgstr "Koliko korisnik mora platiti za skok na vrh oglasa" #: String 477 msgid "How often we refresh the RSS, in seconds" msgstr "Koliko često osvježavamo RSS, u sekundama" #: String 478 msgid "How to configure %s" msgstr "Kako konfigurirati %s" #: String 479 msgid "HTML in footer" msgstr "HTML u podnožju" #: String 480 msgid "HTML in HEAD element" msgstr "HTML u HEAD elementu" #: String 481 msgid "HTML text area" msgstr "HTML polje teksta" #: String 482 msgid "HTML/text content here" msgstr "HTML/tekst ovdje" #: String 483 msgid "I accept" msgstr "Prihvaćam" #: String 484 msgid "Icon" msgstr "Ikona" #: String 485 msgid "Icon deleted." msgstr "Ikona izbrisana." #: String 486 msgid "Icon file could not been saved." msgstr "Ikona nije mogla biti spremljena." #: String 487 msgid "Icon is uploaded." msgstr "Ikona je isporučena." #: String 488 msgid "Id" msgstr "Id" #: String 489 msgid "Id_User" msgstr "Id_User" #: String 490 msgid "If advertisement is marked as spam, user is also marked. Can not publish new ads or register until removed from Black List! Also will not allow users from disposable email addresses to register." msgstr "Ako je oglas označen kao spam, korisnik će također biti označen. Ne može predati novi oglas ili registrirati se sve dok nije maknut s crne liste. Isto tako, korisnici s jednokratnim i sumnjivim email adresama se neće moći registrirati." #: String 491 msgid "If you have doubts check the release notes for this version" msgstr "Ako niste sigurni, provjerite upute za ovu verziju" #: String 492 msgid "If your locale is not listed, be sure your hosting has your locale installed." msgstr "Ako vaš lokalni tag nije unesen, provjerite s hostingom imaju li ga oni instalirano." #: String 493 msgid "If you wanted to go to the main page instead, click here." msgstr "Ako ste htjeli ići na glavnu stranicu kliknite ovdje." #: String 494 msgid "Image" msgstr "Slika" #: String 495 msgid "Image configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija slike" #: String 496 msgid "Image Configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija slike" #: String 497 msgid "Image Configuration updated" msgstr "Konfiguracija slike ažurirana" #: String 498 msgid "Image configuration values. Replace input fields with new desired values" msgstr "Vrijednosti konfiguracije slike. Zamijenite postojeće vrijednosti svojima." #: String 499 msgid "Image folder is missing and cannot be created with mkdir. Please correct to be able to upload images." msgstr "Mapa sa slikama ne postoji. Molimo ispravite kako biste mogli isporučiti slike." #: String 500 msgid "Image height" msgstr "Visina slike" #: String 501 msgid "Image height in pixels(px)" msgstr "Visina slike u pikselima (px)" #: String 502 msgid "Image is not valid. Please try again." msgstr "Slika nije valjana. Molimo pokušajte ponovno." #: String 503 msgid "Image is uploaded." msgstr "Slika je isporučena." #: String 504 msgid "Image quality" msgstr "Kvaliteta slike" #: String 505 msgid "Image Quality" msgstr "Kvaliteta slike" #: String 506 msgid "Images" msgstr "Slike" #: String 507 msgid "images allowed." msgstr "dozvoljene slike." #: String 508 msgid "Image size in mega bites(Mb)" msgstr "Veličina slike u megabajtima (Mb)" #: String 509 msgid "Image width" msgstr "Širina slike" #: String 510 msgid "Image width in pixels(px)" msgstr "Širina slike u pikselima (px)" #: String 511 msgid "Import" msgstr "Uvoz" #: String 512 msgid "Import Ads" msgstr "Uvoz oglasa" #: String 513 msgid "import Categories" msgstr "uvoz Kategorija" #: String 514 msgid "Import Categories" msgstr "Uvoz kategorija" #: String 515 msgid "Import categories and locations" msgstr "Uvoz kategorija i lokacija" #: String 516 msgid "Import cities" msgstr "Uvoz gradova" #: String 517 msgid "Import continents" msgstr "Uvoz kontinenata" #: String 518 msgid "Import counties/regions" msgstr "Uvoz županija/regija" #: String 519 msgid "Import countries" msgstr "Uvoz država" #: String 520 msgid "import Locations" msgstr "uvoz Lokacija" #: String 521 msgid "Import Locations" msgstr "Uvoz lokacija" #: String 522 msgid "Import states/provinces" msgstr "Import states/provinces" #: String 523 msgid "Import tool" msgstr "Alat za uvoz" #: String 524 msgid "Import tool for ads" msgstr "Alat za uvoz oglasa" #: String 525 msgid "Import tool for locations and categories" msgstr "Alat za uvoz lokacija i kategorija" #: String 526 msgid "in" msgstr "u" #: String 527 msgid "in " msgstr "u" #: String 528 msgid "Inactive Region Color" msgstr "Boja neaktivne regije" #: String 529 msgid "Include auto locate visitors" msgstr "Uključi automatsko lociranje posjetitelja" #: String 530 msgid "Included files" msgstr "Uključene datoteke" #: String 531 msgid "Include search by description" msgstr "Uključi pretragu prema opisu" #: String 532 msgid "Increment Step" msgstr "Inkrementalni korak" #: String 533 msgid "Infinite scroll" msgstr "Neograničen scroll" #: String 534 msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" #: String 535 msgid "Installation" msgstr "Instalacija" #: String 536 msgid "Install theme" msgstr "Instalacija teme" #: String 537 msgid "Install theme from license." msgstr "Instalacija teme iz licence." #: String 538 msgid "In Stock" msgstr "Na zalihi" #: String 539 msgid "Interactive map" msgstr "Interaktina mapa" #: String 540 msgid "Interactive Map" msgstr "Interaktina mapa" #: String 541 msgid "Interactive map is only available with premium themes!" msgstr "Interaktina mapa je omogućena samo u premium temama!" #: String 542 msgid "Interactive Regions" msgstr "Interaktivne regije" #: String 543 msgid "Interactivity" msgstr "Interaktivnost" #: String 544 msgid "Invalid Email" msgstr "Nevažeći Email" #: String 545 msgid "Ip address" msgstr "IP adresa" #: String 546 msgid "is created" msgstr "je kreiran" #: String 547 msgid "is edited" msgstr "je promijenjeno" #: String 548 msgid "is not found" msgstr "nije pronađeno" #: String 549 msgid "Is not of valid size. Size is limited to %s MB per image" msgstr "Nije dopuštene veličine. Veličina je limitirana na %s MB po slici" #: String 550 msgid "Is not valid format, please use ZIP format" msgstr "Nije važeći format, molimo koristite ZIP format" #: String 551 msgid "It changes landing page of website" msgstr "Mijenja odredišnu stranicu" #: String 552 msgid "Item created" msgstr "Stavka je kreirana" #: String 553 msgid "# items to display" msgstr "# proizvoda za prikazati" #: String 554 msgid "Item updated" msgstr "Stavka je ažurirana" #: String 555 msgid "It is either not existing, moved or deleted. Make sure the URL is correct." msgstr "Ne postoji, premješteno je ili izbrisano. Provjerite točnost URL-a." #: String 556 msgid "It looks like you have been about to publish a new advertisement, if you leave before submitting your changes will be lost." msgstr "Spremate se objaviti novi oglas. Ako napustite stranicu prije objave, sve promjene će biti izgubljene." #: String 557 msgid "It will be the first line of the tooltip." msgstr "To će biti prva linija tooltip-a." #: String 558 msgid "It will be the second line of the tooltip." msgstr "To će biti druga linija tooltip-a." #: String 559 msgid "I Understand" msgstr "Razumijem" #: String 560 msgid "Jobs" msgstr "Poslovi" #: String 561 msgid "Keep Aspect Ratio" msgstr "Zadrži odnos veličine (aspect ratio)" #: String 562 msgid "Key" msgstr "Ključ" #: String 563 msgid "Label" msgstr "Oznaka" #: String 564 msgid "Landing page" msgstr "Odredišna stranica" #: String 565 msgid "Language" msgstr "Jezik" #: String 566 msgid "Language folder cannot be created with mkdir. Please correct to be able to create new translation." msgstr "Mapa jezika ne može biti kreirana. Molimo ispravite kako biste mogli napraviti novi prijevod." #: String 567 msgid "Language saved" msgstr "Jezik spremljen" #: String 568 msgid "Last" msgstr "Posljednje" #: String 569 msgid "Last 30 days" msgstr "Posljednjih 30 dana" #: String 570 msgid "Last login" msgstr "Posljednja prijava" #: String 571 msgid "Last Login" msgstr "Posljednja prijava" #: String 572 msgid "Last Message" msgstr "Posljednja poruka" #: String 573 msgid "Last modified" msgstr "Posljednje mijenjano" #: String 574 msgid "Last time generated" msgstr "Posljednje generirano" #: String 575 msgid "Latest" msgstr "Najnovije" #: String 576 msgid "Latest Ads" msgstr "Najnoviji oglasi" #: String 577 msgid "Latest News" msgstr "Posljednje novosti" #: String 578 msgid "Latest post published" msgstr "Posljednje objavljeni post" #: String 579 msgid "Latest published" msgstr "Posljednje objavljeno" #: String 580 msgid "Latest Published Ads" msgstr "Posljednje objavljeni oglasi" #: String 581 msgid "Latitude" msgstr "Latituda" #: String 582 msgid "Latitude coordinates" msgstr "Koordinate latitude" #: String 583 msgid "Leave a review" msgstr "Ostavi recenziju" #: String 584 msgid "Left side" msgstr "Lijeva strana" #: String 585 msgid "less than a day" msgstr "manje od dana" #: String 586 msgid "less than a month" msgstr "manje od mjesec dana" #: String 587 msgid "less than an hour" msgstr "manje od sata" #: String 588 msgid "less than a week" msgstr "manje od tjedan dana" #: String 589 msgid "less than a year" msgstr "manje od godinu dana" #: String 590 msgid "license" msgstr "licenca" #: String 591 msgid "License" msgstr "Licenca" #: String 592 msgid "License validation error, please insert again." msgstr "Greška prilikom provjere licence. Molimo unesite ponovno." #: String 593 msgid "Limited Offer!" msgstr "Ograničena ponuda!" #: String 594 msgid "Links" msgstr "Linkovi" #: String 595 msgid "Links title displayed" msgstr "Prikaz naslov linka" #: String 596 msgid "List" msgstr "Lista" #: String 597 msgid "listing" msgstr "objava" #: String 598 msgid "Listing" msgstr "Oglas" #: String 599 msgid "Listing Options" msgstr "Mogućnosti oglasa" #: String 600 msgid "Listing random position banner, allows HTML" msgstr "" #: String 601 msgid "Listings" msgstr "Oglasi" #: String 602 msgid "List of all postings in" msgstr "Lista svih objava u" #: String 603 msgid "List of payment configuration values. Replace input fields with new desired values." msgstr "Lista konfiguracijskih vrijednosti plaćanja. Zamijenite postojeće vrijednosti svojima." #: String 604 msgid "Loaded extensions" msgstr "Učitana proširenja (ekstenzije)" #: String 605 msgid "locale" msgstr "lokalizam" #: String 606 msgid "Locale" msgstr "Locale" #: String 607 msgid "Locate me" msgstr "Lociraj me" #: String 608 msgid "location" msgstr "lokacija" #: String 609 msgid "Location" msgstr "Lokacija" #: String 610 msgid "Location created" msgstr "Lokacija kreirana" #: String 611 msgid "Location deleted" msgstr "Lokacija izbrisana" #: String 612 msgid "Location details" msgstr "Detalji lokacije" #: String 613 msgid "Location icon" msgstr "Ikona lokacije" #: String 614 msgid "Location not deleted" msgstr "Lokacija nije izbrisana" #: String 615 msgid "Locations" msgstr "Lokacije" #: String 616 msgid "Locations successfully imported." msgstr "Lokacije uspješno uvezene." #: String 617 msgid "Locations title displayed" msgstr "Prikazan naslov lokacije" #: String 618 msgid "Log" msgstr "Dnevnik" #: String 619 msgid "Login" msgstr "Prijava" #: String 620 msgid "Login has been temporarily disabled due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please try again in 24 hours." msgstr "Prijava je trenutno onemogućena zbog prevelikog broja pogrešnog prijavljivanja. Pokušajte ponovno nakon 24 sata." #: String 621 msgid "Login has been temporarily disabled due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please try again in a minute." msgstr "Prijava je trenutno onemogućena zbog prevelikog broja pogrešnog prijavljivanja. Pokušajte ponovno nakon 1 minute." #: String 622 msgid "Login to" msgstr "Prijavi se" #: String 623 msgid "Login to reply" msgstr "Prijavi se zbog odgovora" #: String 624 msgid "Logout" msgstr "Odjava" #: String 625 msgid "Logs" msgstr "Dnevnici" #: String 626 msgid "Longitude" msgstr "Longituda" #: String 627 msgid "Longitude coordinates" msgstr "Koordinate longitude" #: String 628 msgid "Mail not sent" msgstr "Email nije poslan" #: String 629 msgid "maintenance" msgstr "održavanje" #: String 630 msgid "Maintenance" msgstr "Održavanja" #: String 631 msgid "Maintenance Mode" msgstr "Mod održavanja" #: String 632 msgid "Make featured?" msgstr "Istaknuti?" #: String 633 msgid "Manage ads you published and edit them through this tab, you can also ask to feature or place your ad to top here." msgstr "Ovdje možete upravljati svojim objavljenim oglasima. Isto tako, možete zatražiti isticanje oglasa ili skok oglasa na vrh." #: String 634 msgid "MANDATORY" msgstr "OBAVEZNO" #: String 635 msgid "map" msgstr "karta" #: String 636 msgid "Map" msgstr "Mapa" #: String 637 msgid "Map Border Color" msgstr "Boja obruba mape" #: String 638 msgid "Map Border Width (px)" msgstr "Širina obruba mape (px)" #: String 639 msgid "Map height in pixels" msgstr "Visina mape u pikselima" #: String 640 msgid "Map latitude coordinates" msgstr "Koordinate latitude mape" #: String 641 msgid "Map longitude coordinates" msgstr "Koordinate longitude mape" #: String 642 msgid "Map on homepage" msgstr "Mapa na početnoj stranici" #: String 643 msgid "Map saved." msgstr "Mapa spremljena." #: String 644 msgid "Map Settings" msgstr "Postavke mape" #: String 645 msgid "Map title displayed" msgstr "Prikaz naslova mape" #: String 646 msgid "Map View" msgstr "Pregled karte" #: String 647 msgid "Markers (Coordinates)" msgstr "Markeri (Koordinate)" #: String 648 msgid "Markers (Text Location)" msgstr "Markeri (Tekstualna lokacija)" #: String 649 msgid "Market" msgstr "Trgovina" #: String 650 msgid "Max image size" msgstr "Najveća veličina slike" #: String 651 msgid "Maximum file size of" msgstr "Najveća veličina datoteke" #: String 652 msgid "Maximum Price" msgstr "Najveća cijena" #: String 653 msgid "Max Price" msgstr "Najveća cijena" #: String 654 msgid "Menu" msgstr "Izbornik" #: String 655 msgid "Menu created" msgstr "Izbornik kreiran" #: String 656 msgid "Menu deleted" msgstr "Izbornik izbrisan" #: String 657 msgid "Menu not created" msgstr "Izbornik nije kreiran" #: String 658 msgid "Menu not updated" msgstr "Izbornik nije ažuriran" #: String 659 msgid "Menu type" msgstr "Vrsta izbornika" #: String 660 msgid "Menu updated" msgstr "Izbornik je ažuriran" #: String 661 msgid "Message" msgstr "Poruka" #: String 662 msgid "Message not sent" msgstr "Poruka nije poslana" #: String 663 msgid "Migrate" msgstr "Premjestiti" #: String 664 msgid "Migration" msgstr "Premještaj" #: String 665 msgid "Minimum Price" msgstr "Minimalna cijena" #: String 666 msgid "Min Price" msgstr "Min cijena" #: String 667 msgid "Mobile Theme updated" msgstr "Mobilna tema ažurirana" #: String 668 msgid "Mobile Version" msgstr "Mobilna verzija" #: String 669 msgid "Moderation" msgstr "Moderacija" #: String 670 msgid "Moderation on" msgstr "Moderacija uključena" #: String 671 msgid "moments" msgstr "trenuci" #: String 672 msgid "Money format" msgstr "Format valute" #: String 673 msgid "Multi select category and location search" msgstr "Pretraga višestrukih kategorija i lokacija" #: String 674 msgid "My Advertisement page " msgstr "Moji oglasi" #: String 675 msgid "My Advertisements" msgstr "Moji oglasi" #: String 676 msgid "My Favorites" msgstr "Moji favoriti" #: String 677 msgid "My payments" msgstr "Moja plaćanja" #: String 678 msgid "My Payments" msgstr "Moja plaćanja" #: String 679 msgid "Name" msgstr "Naziv" #: String 680 msgid "Name (A-Z)" msgstr "Naziv (A-Z)" #: String 681 msgid "Name of your chat room/channel" msgstr "Naziv važe chat sobe/kanala" #: String 682 msgid "Name (Z-A)" msgstr "Naziv (Z-A)" #: String 683 msgid "New" msgstr "Novo" #: String 684 msgid " New" msgstr "Novo" #: String 685 msgid "New Advertisement" msgstr "Novi oglas" #: String 686 msgid "New Category" msgstr "Nova kategorija" #: String 687 msgid "New Custom Field" msgstr "Novo posebno polje" #: String 688 msgid "New Custom Field for Advertisement" msgstr "Novo posebno polje za oglas" #: String 689 msgid "New Custom Field for Users" msgstr "Novo posebno polje za korisnike" #: String 690 msgid "Newest" msgstr "Najnovije" #: String 691 msgid "New field" msgstr "Novo polje" #: String 692 msgid "New forum" msgstr "Novi forum" #: String 693 msgid "New Forum" msgstr "Novi forum" #: String 694 msgid "New Forum Topic" msgstr "Nova tema na forumu" #: String 695 msgid "New Location" msgstr "Nova lokacija" #: String 696 msgid "New password" msgstr "Nova lozinka" #: String 697 msgid "Newsletter" msgstr "Newsletter" #: String 698 msgid "Newsletters" msgstr "Newsletter-i" #: String 699 msgid "New tab or window" msgstr "Nova kartica ili prozor" #: String 700 msgid "new topic" msgstr "nova tema" #: String 701 msgid "New Topic" msgstr "Nova tema" #: String 702 msgid "New Topic is not available as a feature." msgstr "Nova tema nije dostupna kao opcija." #: String 703 msgid "New translation" msgstr "Novi prijevod" #: String 704 msgid "Next" msgstr "Sljedeće" #: String 705 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" #: String 706 msgid "None" msgstr "Nijedan" #: String 707 msgid "None (0) advertisement has been deleted" msgstr "Niti jedan (0) oglas nije izbrisan" #: String 708 msgid "NOPUBLISHED" msgstr "NEOBJAVLJENO" #: String 709 msgid "No results match" msgstr "Nema rezultata" #: String 710 msgid "No Subscriptions" msgstr "Nema pretplata" #: String 711 msgid "Not any ad to be processed" msgstr "Nema oglasa za obradu" #: String 712 msgid "Nothing found, sorry!" msgstr "Žao nam je, ništa nije pronađeno." #: String 713 msgid "Nothing is provided" msgstr "Ništa nije navedeno" #: String 714 msgid "Notify email" msgstr "Email obavijest" #: String 715 msgid "Notify me on new ad" msgstr "Obavijesti me o novom oglasu" #: String 716 msgid "Not paid" msgstr "Nije plaćeno" #: String 717 msgid "Not possible to auto update" msgstr "Nije moguće automatsko ažurirtanje" #: String 718 msgid "Not published" msgstr "Nije objavljeno" #: String 719 msgid "Not valid email." msgstr "Nevažeći e-mail." #: String 720 msgid "No way!" msgstr "Nema šanse!" #: String 721 msgid "Number" msgstr "Broj" #: String 722 msgid "Number Decimal" msgstr "Decimala broja" #: String 723 msgid "Number format is how you want to display numbers related to advertisements. More specific advertisement price. Every country have a specific way of dealing with decimal digits." msgstr "Format broja je kako hoćete prikazati brojeve vezane za oglase. Točnije, cijenu oglasa. Svaka država ima svoj način prikaza decimala." #: String 724 msgid "Number of Ads" msgstr "Broj oglasa" #: String 725 msgid "Number of ads per page" msgstr "Broj oglasa po stranici" #: String 726 msgid "Number of ads to display" msgstr "Broj oglasa za prikazati" #: String 727 msgid "Number of comments to display" msgstr "Broj komentara za prikazati" #: String 728 msgid "Number of images" msgstr "Broj fotografija" #: String 729 msgid "Number of images displayed" msgstr "Broj fotografija za prikazati" #: String 730 msgid "Number of items to display" msgstr "Broj stavki za prikazati" #: String 731 msgid "Numbers of ads to display in home slider" msgstr "Broj oglasa koji se prikazuju u klizaču na početnoj stranici" #: String 732 msgid "official homepage, get your post listed now." msgstr "službena početna stranica, objavite odmah." #: String 733 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: String 734 msgid "Oldest" msgstr "Najstarije" #: String 735 msgid "on" msgstr "na" #: String 736 msgid "Once logged in your Google Analytics, you can find the Tracking ID in the Accounts List or in the Property Settings" msgstr "Nakon što se prijavite na Google Analytics, možete pronaći Tracking ID u popisu računa ili postavkama vlasništva." #: String 737 msgid "Once set to TRUE, enables auto locate visitors" msgstr "Ako je postavljeno na TRUE, uključuje automatsko lociranje posjetitelja" #: String 738 msgid "Once set to TRUE, enables blog posts" msgstr "Ako je postavljeno na TRUE, uključuje objave na blogu" #: String 739 msgid "Once set to TRUE, enables FAQ" msgstr "Ako je postavljeno na TRUE, uključuje FAQ" #: String 740 msgid "Once set to TRUE, enables forums posts" msgstr "Ako je postavljeno na TRUE, uključuje objave na forumu" #: String 741 msgid "Once set to TRUE, enables multi select category and location search" msgstr "Ako je postavljeno na TRUE, uključuje pretragu višestrukih kategorija i lokacija" #: String 742 msgid "Once set to TRUE, enables search to look for key words in description" msgstr "Ako je postavljeno na TRUE, uključuje pretragu po ključnim riječima" #: String 743 msgid "Only Admin" msgstr "Samo admin" #: String 744 msgid "Only administrators can publish" msgstr "Samo administratori mogu objaviti" #: String 745 msgid "only available with premium themes!" msgstr "dostupno samo uz premium teme!" #: String 746 msgid "Only for paid transactions" msgstr "Samo za plaćene transakcije" #: String 747 msgid "Only if you have a premium theme you will be able to filter by users!" msgstr "Samo ako imate premium temu možete filtrirati po korisniku!" #: String 748 msgid "Open Classifieds is an amazing free Open Source Software. By buying a theme you help us keep the project alive and updated. Thanks!" msgstr "Open Classifieds is an amazing free Open Source Software. By buying a theme you help us keep the project alive and updated. Thanks!" #: String 749 msgid "Open Classifieds migration" msgstr "Open Classifieds migracija" #: String 750 msgid "Open URL (new window)" msgstr "Otvori URL (novi prozor)" #: String 751 msgid "Open URL (same window)" msgstr "Otvori URL (isti prozor)" #: String 752 msgid "Optimize" msgstr "Optimizacija" #: String 753 msgid "Optimize Database" msgstr "Optimizacija baze podataka" #: String 754 msgid "Optimize DB" msgstr "Optimizacija DB" #: String 755 msgid "Optional Advertisement Fields" msgstr "Dodatna polja oglasa" #: String 756 msgid "Optional Fields" msgstr "Dodatna polja" #: String 757 msgid "Options" msgstr "Opcije" #: String 758 msgid "or" msgstr "ili" #: String 759 msgid "Or" msgstr "ili" #: String 760 msgid "Order" msgstr "Narudžba" #: String 761 msgid "Order could not be loaded" msgstr "Narudžba ne može biti učitana" #: String 762 msgid "Orders" msgstr "Narudžbe" #: String 763 msgid "Original Translation" msgstr "Originalni prijevod" #: String 764 msgid "Other" msgstr "Drugi" #: String 765 msgid "page" msgstr "stranica" #: String 766 msgid "Page" msgstr "Stranica" #: String 767 msgid "Page " msgstr "Stranica" #: String 768 msgid "Page not found" msgstr "Stranica nije pronađena" #: String 769 msgid "Page Not Found" msgstr "Stranica nije pronađena" #: String 770 msgid "Pages" msgstr "Stranice" #: String 771 msgid "Page title displayed" msgstr "Prikazan naslov stranice" #: String 772 msgid "Paid" msgstr "Plaćeno" #: String 773 msgid "Panel" msgstr "Početno" #: String 774 msgid "Paramater for the action." msgstr "Parametar radnje." #: String 775 msgid "Parent" msgstr "Matično" #: String 776 msgid "Parent category" msgstr "Matična kategorija" #: String 777 msgid "parent_category field" msgstr "parent_category field" #: String 778 msgid "Parent deep" msgstr "Dubina matičnog" #: String 779 msgid "Parent frame" msgstr "Okvir matičnog" #: String 780 msgid "Password" msgstr "Lozinka" #: String 781 msgid "Password is changed" msgstr "Lozinka je promijenjena" #: String 782 msgid "Passwords do not match" msgstr "Lozinke se ne poklapaju" #: String 783 msgid "Pay" msgstr "Plati" #: String 784 msgid "Payment" msgstr "Plaćanje" #: String 785 msgid "Payment on" msgstr "Plaćanje uključeno" #: String 786 msgid "Payments" msgstr "Plaćanja" #: String 787 msgid "Payments Configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija plaćanja" #: String 788 msgid "Payments Configuration updated" msgstr "Konfiguracija plaćanja ažurirana" #: String 789 msgid "Payment with Moderation" msgstr "Plaćanje s moderacijom" #: String 790 msgid "Paymill private key" msgstr "Paymill privatni ključ" #: String 791 msgid "Paymill public key" msgstr "Paymill javni ključ" #: String 792 msgid "Paypal account" msgstr "PayPal račun" #: String 793 msgid "Paypal Email" msgstr "Paypal Email" #: String 794 msgid "Paypal link stock control" msgstr "Paypal link stock control" #: String 795 msgid "Paypal mail address" msgstr "PayPal email adresa" #: String 796 msgid "Pay with Bitcoin" msgstr "Plati Bitcoin-om" #: String 797 msgid "Pay with Card" msgstr "Plati karticom" #: String 798 msgid "Pay With Card" msgstr "Plati karticom" #: String 799 msgid "Pay with Credit Card" msgstr "Plati kreditnom karticom" #: String 800 msgid "Pay with Paypal" msgstr "Plati PayPal-om" #: String 801 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefon" #: String 802 msgid "Phone field" msgstr "Polje telefona" #: String 803 msgid "Photo deleted." msgstr "Fotografija izbrisana." #: String 804 msgid "PHP Info" msgstr "PHP info" #: String 805 msgid "PHP internal call" msgstr "Interni PHP poziv" #: String 806 msgid "Please be sure you are using a currency that your payment gateway supports." msgstr "Molimo Vas da budete sigurni da koristite valutu koju podržava Vaš "gateway" za plaćanje." #: String 807 msgid "Please check your email" msgstr "Molimo Vas provjerite email" #: String 808 msgid "Please choose your closest location" msgstr "Molimo Vas izaberite Vama najbližu lokaciju" #: String 809 msgid "Please enter at least {0} characters." msgstr "Molimo unesite najmanje {0} znakova." #: String 810 msgid "Please enter a valid credit card number." msgstr "Molimo unesite ispravan broj kreditne kartice." #: String 811 msgid "Please enter a valid date." msgstr "Molimo unesite ispravan datum." #: String 812 msgid "Please enter a valid date (ISO)." msgstr "Molimo unesite ispravan datum (ISO)." #: String 813 msgid "Please enter a valid email address." msgstr "Molimo unesite ispravnu email adresu." #: String 814 msgid "Please enter a valid format." msgstr "Molimo unesite ispravan format." #: String 815 msgid "Please enter a valid number." msgstr "Molimo unesite ispravan broj." #: String 816 msgid "Please enter a valid URL." msgstr "Molimo unesite ispravan URL." #: String 817 msgid "Please enter a value between {0} and {1}." msgstr "Molimo unesite vrijednost između {0} i {1}." #: String 818 msgid "Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long." msgstr "Molimo unesite dužinu znaka u vrijednosti između {0} i {1}." #: String 819 msgid "Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}." msgstr "Molimo unesite vrijednost veću ili jednaku {0}." #: String 820 msgid "Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}." msgstr "Molimo unesite vrijednost manju ili jednaku {0}." #: String 821 msgid "Please enter a value with a valid extension." msgstr "Molimo unesite vrijednost s važećim nastavkom (ekstenzijom)." #: String 822 msgid "Please enter no more than {0} characters." msgstr "Molimo unesite najviše {0} znakova." #: String 823 msgid "Please enter only digits." msgstr "Molimo unesite samo brojeve." #: String 824 msgid "Please enter the same value again." msgstr "Molimo unesite istu vrijednost ponovno." #: String 825 msgid "Please fill your card details." msgstr "Molimo popunite podatke o svojoj kartici." #: String 826 msgid "Please, first create some categories." msgstr "Molimo da prvo kreirate neke kategorije." #: String 827 msgid "Please, first create some Forums." msgstr "Molimo da prvo kreirate neke Forume." #: String 828 msgid "Please fix this field." msgstr "Molimo popravite ovo polje." #: String 829 msgid "Please insert here the license for your theme." msgstr "Molimo da ovdje upišete licencu za temu." #: String 830 msgid "Please insert here your custom CSS." msgstr "Molimo da ovdje unesete vaš CSS." #: String 831 msgid "Please, login before contacting" msgstr "Molimo Vas da se prvo prijavite prije kontaktiranja" #: String 832 msgid "Please login before posting" msgstr "Molimo da se prijavite prije objavljivanja." #: String 833 msgid "Please, login before posting advertisement!" msgstr "Molimo Vas da se prvo prijavite kako biste mogli objaviti oglas!" #: String 834 msgid "Please login to unsubscribe." msgstr "Molimo da se prijavite kako bi se mogli ispisati." #: String 835 msgid "Please to see the changes delete the cache" msgstr "Kako biste vidjeli promjene molimo da obrišete cache" #: String 836 msgid "Please use the correct CSV format" msgstr "Molimo da koristite ispravan CSV format" #: String 837 msgid "Please wait while we transfer you to Paypal" msgstr "Molimo da pričekate da Vas preusmjerimo na PayPal" #: String 838 msgid "Popular Ads last month" msgstr "Popularni oglasi prošli mjesec" #: String 839 msgid "Post directly" msgstr "Direktna objava" #: String 840 msgid "Posting advertisements is not yet available." msgstr "Objavljivanje oglasa još nije dostupno." #: String 841 msgid "Post in paid category" msgstr "Objava u plaćenoj kategoriji" #: String 842 msgid "Post Review" msgstr "Pregled objave" #: String 843 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Pregled" #: String 844 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Prethodno" #: String 845 msgid "Price" msgstr "Cijena" #: String 846 msgid "Price field" msgstr "Polje cijene" #: String 847 msgid "Price from" msgstr "Cijena od" #: String 848 msgid "Price (High)" msgstr "Cijena (viša)" #: String 849 msgid "Price (Low)" msgstr "Cijena (niža)" #: String 850 msgid "Price to" msgstr "Cijena do" #: String 851 msgid "Pricing" msgstr "Cjenik" #: String 852 msgid "Proceed with Update" msgstr "Nastavi s ažuriranjem" #: String 853 msgid "Process" msgstr "Provedi" #: String 854 msgid "Processing..." msgstr "Obrada..." #: String 855 msgid "Process Queue" msgstr "Provedi red" #: String 856 msgid "Product" msgstr "Proizvod" #: String 857 msgid "Product could not be loaded" msgstr "Proizvod nije mogao biti učitan" #: String 858 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" #: String 859 msgid "Profile image" msgstr "Slika profila" #: String 860 msgid "Profile Options" msgstr "Postavke profila" #: String 861 msgid "Profile picture" msgstr "Fotografija profila" #: String 862 msgid "Profile Picture" msgstr "Fotografija profila" #: String 863 msgid "Providing akismet key will activate this feature. This feature deals with spam posts and emails." msgstr "Unos akisment ključa aktivira ovu mogućnost. Ova opcija se bori protiv spam objava i email-ova." #: String 864 msgid "Province" msgstr "Regija" #: String 865 msgid "Public profile" msgstr "Javni profil" #: String 866 msgid "Publish" msgstr "Objavi" #: String 867 msgid "Publish Date" msgstr "Datum objave" #: String 868 msgid "Published" msgstr "Objavljeno" #: String 869 msgid "PUBLISHED" msgstr "OBJAVLJENO" #: String 870 msgid "publish new" msgstr "objaviti novi oglas" #: String 871 msgid "Publish new" msgstr "Objavi novi oglas" #: String 872 msgid "Publish new " msgstr "Objavi novi oglas" #: String 873 msgid "Publish new advertisement" msgstr "Objavi novi oglas" #: String 874 msgid "Publish new topic" msgstr "Objavi novu temu" #: String 875 msgid "Publish Options" msgstr "Mogućnosti objave" #: String 876 msgid "Purchase" msgstr "Kupnja" #: String 877 msgid "Put your website on maintenance mode until you want to launch it, manage other general settings and create custom fields through this tab." msgstr "Stavite svoju web stranicu u mod održavanja sve dok nije spremna za objavu. Upravljajte ostalim općim postavkama i poljima iz ove kartice." #: String 878 msgid "Queue cleaned" msgstr "Red izbrisan" #: String 879 msgid "Quick category creator." msgstr "Kreator brzih kategorija." #: String 880 msgid "Quick location creator." msgstr "Kreator brzih lokacija." #: String 881 msgid "Radio" msgstr "Radio" #: String 882 msgid "Rate" msgstr "Ocijeni" #: String 883 msgid "Rating" msgstr "Ocjene" #: String 884 msgid "Read carefully" msgstr "Pažljivo pročitati" #: String 885 msgid "Reading log file" msgstr "Čitati log datoteku" #: String 886 msgid "Read more" msgstr "Pročitaj više" #: String 887 msgid "Real State" msgstr "Stvarno stanje" #: String 888 msgid "reCAPTCHA Configuration" msgstr "reCAPTCHA Konfiguracija" #: String 889 msgid "reCaptcha Secret Key" msgstr "reCaptcha Tajni Ključ" #: String 890 msgid "reCAPTCHA Secret Key" msgstr "reCAPTCHA Tajni Ključ" #: String 891 msgid "reCaptcha Site Key" msgstr "reCaptcha ključ stranice" #: String 892 msgid "reCAPTCHA Site Key" msgstr "reCAPTCHA ključ stranice" #: String 893 msgid "Refresh listing, go to top?" msgstr "Osvježiti, skočiti na vrh?" #: String 894 msgid "Region" msgstr "Regija" #: String 895 msgid "Regional Settings" msgstr "Regionalne postavke" #: String 896 msgid "Region Code:" msgstr "Broj regije:" #: String 897 msgid "Regions" msgstr "Regije" #: String 898 msgid "Region to Display" msgstr "Regija za prikazati" #: String 899 msgid "Register" msgstr "Registracija" #: String 900 msgid "Register new user" msgstr "Registracija novog korisnika" #: String 901 msgid "Related ads" msgstr "Povezani oglasi" #: String 902 msgid "Relative path to the image to use as watermark" msgstr "Relativna putanja prema slici koja će se koristiti kao vodeni žig" #: String 903 msgid "Release Date" msgstr "Datum izlaska" #: String 904 msgid "Release Notes" msgstr "Obavijesti o izdanju" #: String 905 msgid "Remember me" msgstr "Zapamti me" #: String 906 msgid "Remember password" msgstr "Zapamti lozinku" #: String 907 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Ukloni" #: String 908 msgid "Repeat password" msgstr "Ponovi lozinku" #: String 909 msgid "Replacement of a banned word" msgstr "Zamjena za baniranu riječ" #: String 910 msgid "Replies" msgstr "Odgovori" #: String 911 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Odgovor" #: String 912 msgid "Reply added, thanks!" msgstr "Odgovor dodan, hvala!" #: String 913 msgid "Reply here" msgstr "Odgovori ovdje" #: String 914 msgid "required" msgstr "obavezno" #: String 915 msgid "Required" msgstr "Obavezno" #: String 916 msgid "Required field to register." msgstr "Obavezno polje za registraciju." #: String 917 msgid "Required field to submit a new ad." msgstr "Obavezno polje za objavu novog oglasa." #: String 918 msgid "Require login to contact" msgstr "Potrebna je prijava za kontaktiranje" #: String 919 msgid "Require login to post" msgstr "Potrebna je prijava za objavu" #: String 920 msgid "Requirements checks we do before we install." msgstr "Provjera zahtjeva prije instalacije" #: String 921 msgid "Require only the logged in users to contact." msgstr "Kontaktiranje je dopušteno samo prijavljenim korisnicima." #: String 922 msgid "Require only the logged in users to post." msgstr "Objavljivanje je dopušteno samo prijavljenim korisnicima." #: String 923 msgid "Requires address to pay for extra security" msgstr "Potrebna adresa za plaćanje dodatne sigurnosti" #: String 924 msgid "Reset" msgstr "Reset" #: String 925 msgid "Restricts likely nude pictures that are being uploaded to your server." msgstr "Blokira gole slike koje su isporučene na vaš server." #: String 926 msgid "Review" msgstr "Recenzija" #: String 927 msgid "Review database connection parameters" msgstr "Pregled parametara spajanja baze podataka" #: String 928 msgid "reviews" msgstr "recenzije" #: String 929 msgid "Reviews" msgstr "Recenzije" #: String 930 msgid "Reviews are only available with premium themes!" msgstr "Recenzije su dostupne samo u premium temama!" #: String 931 msgid "Reviews Configuration" msgstr "Konfiguracija recenzija" #: String 932 msgid "Reviews for paid transactions" msgstr "Pregled plaćenih transakcija" #: String 933 msgid "Right side" msgstr "Desna strana" #: String 934 msgid "Role" msgstr "Uloga" #: String 935 msgid "Roles" msgstr "Uloge" #: String 936 msgid "Rows" msgstr "Redovi" #: String 937 msgid "rss" msgstr "rss" #: String 938 msgid "RSS" msgstr "RSS" #: String 939 msgid "RSS reader with cache" msgstr "RSS čitač s cache-om" #: String 940 msgid "RSS title displayed" msgstr "RSS naslov prikazan" #: String 941 msgid "RSS url address" msgstr "RSS url adresa" #: String 942 msgid "S3 Domain Name" msgstr "S# naziv domene" #: String 943 msgid "Sales" msgstr "Prodaja" #: String 944 msgid "Sales statistics" msgstr "Statistika prodaje" #: String 945 msgid "Sandbox" msgstr "Snadbox" #: String 946 msgid "Save" msgstr "Spremi" #: String 947 msgid "Save changes" msgstr "Spremi promjene" #: String 948 msgid "Saved" msgstr "Spremljeno" #: String 949 msgid "Save plan" msgstr "Spremi plan" #: String 950 msgid "Save size" msgstr "Spremi veličinu" #: String 951 msgid "Scan" msgstr "Skeniraj" #: String 952 msgid "%s copied from %s to %s" msgstr "%s kopirano iz %s u %s" #: String 953 msgid "search" msgstr "pretraga" #: String 954 msgid "Search" msgstr "Pretraži" #: String 955 msgid "searchable" msgstr "pretraživanje" #: String 956 msgid "Searchable" msgstr "Dostupno pretragi" #: String 957 msgid "Search in" msgstr "Pretraži u " #: String 958 msgid "Search in ads will include this field as well." msgstr "Pretraga u oglasima će uključiti i ovo polje." #: String 959 msgid "Search results" msgstr "Rezultati pretrage" #: String 960 msgid "Search users by name or email" msgstr "Pretraga korisnika po imenu ili email-u" #: String 961 msgid "seconds" msgstr "sekundi" #: String 962 msgid "secret" msgstr "tajno" #: String 963 msgid "Seems a nude picture so you cannot upload it" msgstr "Čini se da se radi o goloj slici pa ne možete isporučiti" #: String 964 msgid "Select" msgstr "Odaberi" #: String 965 msgid "Select a forum" msgstr "Odaberite forum" #: String 966 msgid "Select an Option" msgstr "Odaberite opciju" #: String 967 msgid "Select another category" msgstr "Odaberite drugu kategoriju" #: String 968 msgid "Select another location" msgstr "Odaberite drugu lokaciju" #: String 969 msgid "Selected Category" msgstr "Odabrana kategorija" #: String 970 msgid "Selected Category does not exists, please select another one!" msgstr "Odabrana kategorija ne postoji. Molimo odaberite drugu!" #: String 971 msgid "Selected location" msgstr "Odabrana lokacija" #: String 972 msgid "Selected Location" msgstr "Odabrana lokacija" #: String 973 msgid "Selected Location does not exists, please select another one!" msgstr "Odabrana lokacija ne postoji. Molimo odaberite drugu!" #: String 974 msgid "Select from files" msgstr "Odaberite datoteku" #: String 975 msgid "Selection of nice extras for your installation." msgstr "Izbor lijepih dodataka za Vašu instalaciju." #: String 976 msgid "Select some categories first." msgstr "Prvo odaberite neke kategorije." #: String 977 msgid "Select some locations first." msgstr "Prvo odaberite neke lokacije." #: String 978 msgid "Select Some Options" msgstr "Odaberite neke opcije" #: String 979 msgid "Send" msgstr "Pošalji" #: String 980 msgid "Send Message" msgstr "Pošalji poruku" #: String 981 msgid "Seoname" msgstr "SEO naziv" #: String 982 msgid "seotitle" msgstr "seonaslov" #: String 983 msgid "Seotitle" msgstr "SEO Naslov" #: String 984 msgid "Seo Title" msgstr "SEO Naslov" #: String 985 msgid "SEO title" msgstr "SEO naslov" #: String 986 msgid "Set this up to restrict image formats that are being uploaded to your server." msgstr "Ovo postavite kako biste ograničili formate slika koji se isporučuju na server." #: String 987 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Postavke" #: String 988 msgid "Set up your cron at your hosting / cPanel, every minute" msgstr "Postavite cron na Vašem hostingu / cPanel-u, svake minute" #: String 989 msgid "several decades" msgstr "nekoliko desetljeća" #: String 990 msgid "Share" msgstr "Podijeli" #: String 991 msgid "Share on social networks." msgstr "Podijeli na društvenim mrežama." #: String 992 msgid "Short description that appears after the site name." msgstr "Kratak opis koji se pojavljuje nakon imena stranice." #: String 993 msgid "Show listing" msgstr "Prikaži oglas" #: String 994 msgid "Show Listing" msgstr "Prikaži oglas" #: String 995 msgid "Show profile" msgstr "Prikaži profil" #: String 996 msgid "Show Profile" msgstr "Prikaži profil" #: String 997 msgid "Show QR code" msgstr "Prikaži QR kod" #: String 998 msgid "Show register" msgstr "Prikaži registraciju" #: String 999 msgid "Show Register" msgstr "Prikaži registraciju" #: String 1000 msgid "Show sharing buttons" msgstr "Prikaži gumbe za dijeljenje" #: String 1001 msgid "Show Tooltip" msgstr "Prikaži Tooltip" #: String 1002 msgid "Show translated texts" msgstr "Prikaži prevedene tekstove" #: String 1003 msgid "Site currency" msgstr "Valuta stranice" #: String 1004 msgid "Site description" msgstr "Opis stranice" #: String 1005 msgid "Site Description" msgstr "Opis stranice" #: String 1006 msgid "Sitemap" msgstr "Mapa stranice" #: String 1007 msgid "Sitemap Configuration updated" msgstr "Konfiguracija mape stranice ažurirana" #: String 1008 msgid "Site name" msgstr "Naziv stranice" #: String 1009 msgid "Site Name" msgstr "Naziv stranice" #: String 1010 msgid "Site Statistics" msgstr "Statistika stranice" #: String 1011 msgid "Site Usage Statistics" msgstr "Statistika posjećenosti stranice" #: String 1012 msgid "Size" msgstr "Veličina" #: String 1013 msgid "Slideshow" msgstr "Slideshow" #: String 1014 msgid "Smtp active" msgstr "SMTP aktivan" #: String 1015 msgid "Smtp auth" msgstr "SMTP autorizacija" #: String 1016 msgid "SMTP Configuration" msgstr "SMTP konfiguracija" #: String 1017 msgid "Smtp host" msgstr "SMTP host" #: String 1018 msgid "Smtp password" msgstr "SMTP lozinka" #: String 1019 msgid "Smtp port" msgstr "SMTP port" #: String 1020 msgid "Smtp ssl" msgstr "SMTP ssl" #: String 1021 msgid "Smtp user" msgstr "SMTP korisnik" #: String 1022 msgid "Social Auth" msgstr "Autorizacija društvenim mrežama" #: String 1023 msgid "Social Authentication for login" msgstr "Autorizacija društvenim mrežama za prijavu" #: String 1024 msgid "Social authentication is only available with premium themes!" msgstr "Autorizacija društvenim mrežama dostupna je samo s premium temama!" #: String 1025 msgid "Social Authentication Settings" msgstr "Postavke autorizacije društvenim mrežama" #: String 1026 msgid "Social Auth updated" msgstr "Autorizacija društvenim mrežama ažurirana" #: String 1027 msgid "Social Login" msgstr "Prijava društvenim mrežama" #: String 1028 msgid "Software DB Updated to latest version!" msgstr "Software baze podataka ažuriran na posljednju verziju!" #: String 1029 msgid "Software Requirements" msgstr "Software-ski zahtjevi" #: String 1030 msgid "Some errors in the form" msgstr "Neke pogreške u formi" #: String 1031 msgid "Some errors were encountered, please check the details you entered." msgstr "Pojavile su se neke pogreške. Molimo provjerite što ste upisali." #: String 1032 msgid "Something went wrong, please check format of the file! Remove single quotes or strange characters, in case you have any." msgstr "Došlo je do pogreške te Vas molimo da provjerite format datoteke. Ukoliko se pojavljuju, izbrišite navodnike ili druge posebne znakove." #: String 1033 msgid "Something went wrong uploading your logo" msgstr "Došlo je do pogreške prilikom isporuke logotipa." #: String 1034 msgid "Something went wrong with uploading pictures, please check format" msgstr "Došlo je do pogreške prilikom isporuke slika, molimo provjerite format" #: String 1035 msgid "Sorry, deleting %s locale emails is not allowed" msgstr "Žao nam je, ali brisanje %s emailova nije dozvoljeno" #: String 1036 msgid "Sort" msgstr "Sortiranje" #: String 1037 msgid "Sort by in listing" msgstr "Sortiranje prema objavi" #: String 1038 msgid "Space to optimize" msgstr "Prostor za optimizaciju" #: String 1039 msgid "Spam" msgstr "Spam" #: String 1040 msgid "Spam?" msgstr "Spam?" #: String 1041 msgid "SPAM" msgstr "SPAM" #: String 1042 msgid "Spam Sort" msgstr "Sortiranje Spam-a" #: String 1043 msgid "State" msgstr "Država" #: String 1044 msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Statistike" #: String 1045 msgid "Stats" msgstr "Statistike" #: String 1046 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: String 1047 msgid "Stripe private key" msgstr "Stripe privatni ključ" #: String 1048 msgid "Stripe public key" msgstr "Stripe javni ključ" #: String 1049 msgid "Subject" msgstr "Naslov" #: String 1050 msgid "Submit" msgstr "Pošalji" #: String 1051 msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "Pretplata" #: String 1052 msgid "Subscribed to emails" msgstr "Pretplaćen na email-ove" #: String 1053 msgid "Subscribe for categories" msgstr "Pretplata na kategorije" #: String 1054 msgid "Subscribe title displayed" msgstr "Prikazan naslov pretplate" #: String 1055 msgid "Subscriptions" msgstr "Pretplate" #: String 1056 msgid "Success" msgstr "Uspješno" #: String 1057 msgid "Successfully imported latitude and longitude info from your ads." msgstr "Uspješno uvezena latituda i longituda iz oglasa." #: String 1058 msgid "Support" msgstr "Podrška" #: String 1059 msgid "Sure you want to delete the widget?" msgstr "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati widget?" #: String 1060 msgid "Switch off custom CSS" msgstr "Isključi korisnički CSS" #: String 1061 msgid "System logs" msgstr "Sistemski dnevnici" #: String 1062 msgid "System Logs" msgstr "Sistemski dnevnici" #: String 1063 msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabela" #: String 1064 msgid "Table prefix" msgstr "Prefiks tabele" #: String 1065 msgid "Table %s not found" msgstr "Tabela %s nije pronađena" #: String 1066 msgid "Target" msgstr "Odredište" #: String 1067 msgid "Terms of service" msgstr "Prihvaćam uvjete korištenja" #: String 1068 msgid "Terms of Service" msgstr "Uvjeti korištenja usluge" #: String 1069 msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" #: String 1070 msgid "Text 256 Chars" msgstr "Tekst 256 znakova" #: String 1071 msgid "Text Long" msgstr "Duljina teksta" #: String 1072 msgid "Text title displayed" msgstr "Naslov teksta prikazan" #: String 1073 msgid "Thanks" msgstr "Hvala" #: String 1074 msgid "Thanks for submitting your advertisement" msgstr "Hvala Vam na objavi Vašeg oglasa" #: String 1075 msgid "Thanks for using Open Classifieds." msgstr "Hvala Vam na korištenju Open Classifieds-a." #: String 1076 msgid "Thanks for using our website." msgstr "Hvala Vam na korištenju naše web stranice." #: String 1077 msgid "Thanks for your payment!" msgstr "Hvala Vam na plaćanju!" #: String 1078 msgid "Thanks for your review!" msgstr "Hvala Vam na recenziji." #: String 1079 msgid "Thanks page" msgstr "Stranica zahvale" #: String 1080 msgid "Thank you for subscribing" msgstr "Hvala Vam što ste se pretplatili" #: String 1081 msgid "Theme activated, thanks." msgstr "Tema aktivirana, hvala." #: String 1082 msgid "Theme configuration updated" msgstr "Konfiguracija teme je ažurirana" #: String 1083 msgid "Theme could not be downloaded" msgstr "Temu nije moguće preuzeti" #: String 1084 msgid "Theme downloaded" msgstr "Tema preuzeta" #: String 1085 msgid "Theme License" msgstr "Licenca teme" #: String 1086 msgid "Theme Options" msgstr "Postavke teme" #: String 1087 msgid "Themes" msgstr "Teme" #: String 1088 msgid "Themes Market" msgstr "Trgovina tema" #: String 1089 msgid "Themes Updated" msgstr "Teme su ažurirane" #: String 1090 msgid "The paypal email address where the payments will be sent" msgstr "Paypal email adresa gdje će biti poslana plaćanja" #: String 1091 msgid "The requested page" msgstr "Tražena stranica" #: String 1092 msgid "There was an error activating your license." msgstr "Pojavila se pogreška prilikom aktivacije licence." #: String 1093 msgid "This advertisement doesn´t exist, or is not yet published!" msgstr "Ovaj oglas ne postoji ili još nije objavljen!" #: String 1094 msgid "This email has been considered as spam! We are sorry but we can not send this email." msgstr "Ovaj email je klasificiran kao SPAM. Žao nam je, ali ne možemo ga poslati." #: String 1095 msgid "This field is required." msgstr "Ovo polje je obavezno." #: String 1096 msgid "This is a list of users marked as spammers. To understand how this feature works, please read this article" msgstr "Ovo je popis korisnika koji su označeni kao spammer-i. Kako biste razumjeli kako ova opcija radi, pročitajte ovaj članak." #: String 1097 msgid "This is not your advertisement." msgstr "Ovo nije Vaš oglas." #: String 1098 msgid "This is permanent! No backups, no restores, no magic undo button. We warned you, ok?" msgstr "Ovo je trajno! Ne postoje sigurnosne kopije ili opcija poništavanja. Upozorili smo Vas, OK?" #: String 1099 msgid "This is to control how many advertisements are being displayed per page. Insert an integer value, as a number limit." msgstr "Ovo je za kontrolu broja prikazanih oglasa po stranici. Unesite cijeli broj." #: String 1100 msgid "This license is in use in the theme %s" msgstr "Ova licenca je u upotrebi u temi %s" #: String 1101 msgid "This order was already paid." msgstr "Ova narudžba je već plaćena." #: String 1102 msgid "This post has been considered as spam! We are sorry but we cant publish this advertisement." msgstr "Ova objava se tretira kao spam! Žao nam je, ali ne možemo objaviti ovaj oglas." #: String 1103 msgid "This process can take few minutes DO NOT interrupt it" msgstr "Ovaj proces može potrajati nekoliko minuta. NEMOJTE ga prekidati" #: String 1104 msgid "Thumb height" msgstr "Visina umanjene slike" #: String 1105 msgid "Thumb height in pixels(px)" msgstr "Visina umanjene slike u pikselima(px)" #: String 1106 msgid "Thumb is a small image resized to fit certain elements. This is the height for this image." msgstr "Umanjena slika je manji prikaz stvarne slike smanjena da odgovara određenom elementu. Ovo je visina takve umanjene slike." #: String 1107 msgid "Thumb is a small image resized to fit certain elements. This is width of this image." msgstr "Umanjena slika je manji prikaz stvarne slike smanjena da odgovara određenom elementu. Ovo je širina takve umanjene slike." #: String 1108 msgid "Thumb width" msgstr "Širina umanjene slike" #: String 1109 msgid "Thumb width in pixels(px)" msgstr "Širina umanjene slike u pikselima(px)" #: String 1110 msgid "Tickets" msgstr "Tiketi" #: String 1111 msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "Vremenska zona" #: String 1112 msgid "title" msgstr "naslov" #: String 1113 msgid "Title" msgstr "Naslov" #: String 1114 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Nalov:" #: String 1115 msgid "Title displayed" msgstr "Prikazan naslov" #: String 1116 msgid "to" msgstr "do" #: String 1117 msgid "To" msgstr "Za" #: String 1118 msgid "To buy this product you first need to register" msgstr "Da biste kupili ovaj proizvod morate se prvo registrirati" #: String 1119 msgid "To continue your experience with %s you can get back to the main website by clicking here." msgstr "Da biste nastavili s %s možete se vratiti na glavnu stranicu klikom ovdje." #: String 1120 msgid "Today" msgstr "Danas" #: String 1121 msgid "To get paid via Credit card you need a %s account" msgstr "Za plaćanje kreditnom karticom treba Vam %s račun" #: String 1122 msgid "Toggle navigation" msgstr "Prebaci navigaciju" #: String 1123 msgid "To go back to the previous page, click the Back button." msgstr "za povratak na prethodnu stranicu kliknite gumb Natrag." #: String 1124 msgid "To include your custom HTML code (reference to JS or CSS files, etc.) in the footer of the rendered page." msgstr "Za uključivanje vlastitog HTML koda (ovjera metapodatke, pozivanje na JS / CSS datoteke, itd) u podnožje stranice." #: String 1125 msgid "To include your custom HTML code (validation metadata, reference to JS/CSS files, etc.) in the HEAD element of the rendered page." msgstr "Za uključivanje vlastitog HTML koda (ovjera metapodatke, pozivanje na JS / CSS datoteke, itd) u HEAD element stranice." #: String 1126 msgid "To install new theme choose zip file." msgstr "Za instalaciju nove teme odaberite zip datoteku." #: String 1127 msgid "Tools" msgstr "Alati" #: String 1128 msgid "Tools title displayed" msgstr "Prikazan naslov alata" #: String 1129 msgid "Tooltip" msgstr "Tooltip" #: String 1130 msgid "Tooltip:" msgstr "Tooltip:" #: String 1131 msgid "Tooltip Text Color" msgstr "Boja teksta Tooltip-a" #: String 1132 msgid "Topic" msgstr "Tema" #: String 1133 msgid "Topic is updated." msgstr "Tema je ažurirana." #: String 1134 msgid "Topics" msgstr "Teme" #: String 1135 msgid "Top up ad" msgstr "Nadopunite oglas" #: String 1136 msgid "Total" msgstr "Ukupno" #: String 1137 msgid "To top" msgstr "Na vrh" #: String 1138 msgid "To top price" msgstr "Prema najvišoj cijeni" #: String 1139 msgid "Transaction not successful!" msgstr "Transakcija nije uspjela!" #: String 1140 msgid "Translate all?, Be aware this will replace all your texts." msgstr "Prevesti sve? Ovo će zamijeniti sve Vaše tekstove." #: String 1141 msgid "Translation" msgstr "Prijevod" #: String 1142 msgid "Translations" msgstr "Prijevodi" #: String 1143 msgid "Translations files available in the system." msgstr "Datoteke prijevoda dostupne u sustavu." #: String 1144 msgid "Translations regenarated" msgstr "Prijevodi ponovno generirani" #: String 1145 msgid "TRUE" msgstr "TRUE" #: String 1146 msgid "TRUE or FALSE" msgstr "TRUE ili FALSE" #: String 1147 msgid "Type" msgstr "Unesite" #: String 1148 msgid "Type address" msgstr "Unesite adresu" #: String 1149 msgid "Type ads to display" msgstr "Unesite oglase za prikaz" #: String 1150 msgid "Type your password twice" msgstr "Unesite Vašu lozinku dvaput" #: String 1151 msgid "Type your password twice to change" msgstr "Za promjenu unesite Vašu lozinku dvaput" #: String 1152 msgid "%u advertisements have been permanently deleted" msgstr "%u reklame su trajno izbrisane" #: String 1153 msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "Nedostupno" #: String 1154 msgid " Unavailable" msgstr "Nedostupno" #: String 1155 msgid "UNAVAILABLE" msgstr "NEDOSTUPNO" #: String 1156 msgid "Unavailable Sort" msgstr "Nedostupno sortiranje" #: String 1157 msgid "Unconfirmed" msgstr "Nepotvrđeno" #: String 1158 msgid " Unconfirmed" msgstr "Nepotvrđeno" #: String 1159 msgid "UNCONFIRMED" msgstr "NEPOTVRĐENO" #: String 1160 msgid "Unconfirmed Sort" msgstr "Nepotvrđeno sortiranje" #: String 1161 msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "Odjava" #: String 1162 msgid "Unsubscribe?" msgstr "Odjaviti se?" #: String 1163 msgid "Unsubscribe to all?" msgstr "Odjaviti se sa svega?" #: String 1164 msgid "Update" msgstr "Ažuriranje" #: String 1165 msgid "Updated to " msgstr "Ažurirano na" #: String 1166 msgid "Update folder `%s` not found." msgstr "Ažuriranje mape `%s` nije pronađeno." #: String 1167 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Ažuriranja" #: String 1168 msgid "Update Topic" msgstr "Ažuriranje teme" #: String 1169 msgid "Updating, do not close tihs window." msgstr "Ažuriranje, ne zatvarajte ovaj prozor." #: String 1170 msgid "Upgrade your Yclas site to PRO to activate this feature." msgstr "Nadogradite Vaš Open Classifieds kako biste aktivirali ovu mogućnost." #: String 1171 msgid "Upload" msgstr "Isporuka" #: String 1172 msgid "Upload category icon" msgstr "Isporuka ikone kategorije" #: String 1173 msgid "Upload CSV file" msgstr "Isporuka CSV datoteke" #: String 1174 msgid "Upload file" msgstr "Isporuka datoteke" #: String 1175 msgid "Upload location icon" msgstr "Isporuka ikone lokacije" #: String 1176 msgid "Upload your favicon. Leave blank for none." msgstr "Isporučite svoj favicon. Ostavite prazno ako ne želite favicon." #: String 1177 msgid "Upload your Logo. Recommended size 250px x 40px. Leave blank for none." msgstr "Isporučite svoj logo. Preporučena veličina je 250px x 40px. Ostavite prazno ako ne želite logo." #: String 1178 msgid "Up to" msgstr "Sve do" #: String 1179 msgid "Url" msgstr "URL" #: String 1180 msgid "Use parent categories" msgstr "Koristite više kategorije." #: String 1181 msgid "user" msgstr "korisnik" #: String 1182 msgid "User" msgstr "Korisnik" #: String 1183 msgid "User account will be created" msgstr "Korisnički račun će biti kreiran" #: String 1184 msgid "User already exists" msgstr "Korisnik već postoji" #: String 1185 msgid "User name" msgstr "Korisničko ime" #: String 1186 msgid "User not in database" msgstr "Korisnik nije u bazi" #: String 1187 msgid "User paypal link" msgstr "Korisnička paypal veza" #: String 1188 msgid "User Profile" msgstr "Korisnički profil" #: String 1189 msgid "users" msgstr "korisnici" #: String 1190 msgid "Users" msgstr "Korisnici" #: String 1191 msgid "User %s has been removed from black list." msgstr "Korisnik %s je maknut s crne liste." #: String 1192 msgid "Users marked a spam" msgstr "Korisnici označeni kao spam" #: String 1193 msgid "Users not logged last 3 months" msgstr "Korisnici koji se nisu prijavili zadnja 3 mjeseca" #: String 1194 msgid "Users with featured ads." msgstr "Korisnici s istaknutim oglasima." #: String 1195 msgid "Users with featured ads expired." msgstr "Korisnici čiji su istaknuti oglasi istekli." #: String 1196 msgid "Users without published ads." msgstr "Korisnici koji nemaju objavljen oglas." #: String 1197 msgid "Uses CDN for CSS/JS" msgstr "Korisnički CDN za CSS/JS" #: String 1198 msgid "Use the form below to help you get the coordinates values" msgstr "Koristite sljedeću formu za pomoć pri dobivanju vrijednosti koordinata" #: String 1199 msgid "Using mobile theme" msgstr "Koristi se mobilna tema" #: String 1200 msgid "Valid Until" msgstr "Valjano do" #: String 1201 msgid "Values" msgstr "Vrijednosti" #: String 1202 msgid "Version" msgstr "Verzija" #: String 1203 msgid "View Advertisement" msgstr "Pogledati oglas" #: String 1204 msgid "views" msgstr "pogledi" #: String 1205 msgid "Views and Ads" msgstr "Pogledi i oglasi" #: String 1206 msgid "Views and Ads statistics" msgstr "Pogledi i statistika oglasa" #: String 1207 msgid "Views and Contacts statistic" msgstr "Pogledi i statistika kontakata" #: String 1208 msgid "Visits" msgstr "Posjeti" #: String 1209 msgid "Visit Site" msgstr "Posjeti stranicu" #: String 1210 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Upozorenje" #: String 1211 msgid "Warning, something went wrong while deleting" msgstr "Upozorenje, nešto je pošlo krivo prilikom brisanja" #: String 1212 msgid "Warning, something went wrong while deleting Ad with id %u" msgstr "Upozorenje, nešto je pošlo krivo prilikom brisanja oglasa s id-om %u" #: String 1213 msgid "Watermark" msgstr "Vodeni žig" #: String 1214 msgid "Watermark path" msgstr "Putanja do vodenog žiga" #: String 1215 msgid "Watermark position" msgstr "Pozicija vodenog žiga" #: String 1216 msgid "We are working on our site, please visit later. Thanks" msgstr "Trenutačno radimo na stranici. Molimo vratite se malo kasnije. Hvala." #: String 1217 msgid "Website" msgstr "Web stranica" #: String 1218 msgid "Website field" msgstr "Polje web stranice" #: String 1219 msgid "We can not copy the %s since the locale %s already has existing %s" msgstr "Ne možemo kopirati %s jer odredište %s već sadrži postojeći %s" #: String 1220 msgid "We can not read file %s" msgstr "Ne možemo pročitati datoteku %s" #: String 1221 msgid "We detected you are currently off-line, please connect to gain full experience." msgstr "Otkrili smo da ste trenutno off-line. Molimo da se ponovno spojite kako biste stekli potpuni doživljaj." #: String 1222 msgid "We do not have any advertisements in this category" msgstr "Nemamo oglasa u ovoj kategoriji" #: String 1223 msgid "We do not have any blog posts" msgstr "Nemamo objava na blogu" #: String 1224 msgid "We do not have any FAQ-s" msgstr "Nemamo nikakvih ČPP-a" #: String 1225 msgid "We do not have any reviews for this product" msgstr "Nemamo recenzija za ovaj proizvod" #: String 1226 msgid "We had a problem downloading latest version, try later please." msgstr "Imali smo problema prilikom preuzimanja posljednje verzije. Molimo pokušajte kasnije." #: String 1227 msgid "We have detected some incompatibilities, installation may not work as expected but you can try." msgstr "Otkrili smo neke nekompatibilnosti. Instalacija možda neće raditi kako treba, ali možete pokušati." #: String 1228 msgid "We install it for you, Buy now!" msgstr "Mi instaliramo za vas. Kupite odmah!" #: String 1229 msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Dobrodošli" #: String 1230 msgid "Welcome!" msgstr "Dobrodošli!" #: String 1231 msgid "We need your email address to complete" msgstr "Potrebna nam je vaša email adresa za dovršetak" #: String 1232 msgid "We use cookies to track usage and preferences" msgstr "Koristimo cookies za praćenje korištenja i preferencije" #: String 1233 msgid "We will move all the ads to home category." msgstr "Premjestiti ćemo sve oglase u početnu kategoriju." #: String 1234 msgid "We will move all the ads to home location." msgstr "Premjestiti ćemo sve oglase na početnu." #: String 1235 msgid "We will move the siblings categories and ads to the parent of this category." msgstr "Premjestiti ćemo sve podkategorije i oglase u kategoriju iznad." #: String 1236 msgid "We will remove all the forum posts and answers." msgstr "Izbrisati ćemo sve objave i odgovore na forumu." #: String 1237 msgid "Where do you want the widget displayed?" msgstr "Gdje hoćete da se prikazuju widget-i?" #: String 1238 msgid "Where you want the sidebar to appear" msgstr "Gdje hoćete da se pojavljuje sidebar" #: String 1239 msgid "Widget created in %s" msgstr "Widget kreiran u %s" #: String 1240 msgid "Widget parameter missing" msgstr "Nedostaje parametar widgeta" #: String 1241 msgid "Widgets" msgstr "Widgeti" #: String 1242 msgid "Widget %s deleted" msgstr "Widget %s izbrisan" #: String 1243 msgid "Widget %s saved in %s" msgstr "Widget %s spremljen u %s" #: String 1244 msgid "Width (px)" msgstr "Širina (px)" #: String 1245 msgid "Wrong Captcha" msgstr "Pogrešna Captcha" #: String 1246 msgid "Wrong email or password" msgstr "Pogrešan email ili lozinka" #: String 1247 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Da" #: String 1248 msgid "Yes, definitely!" msgstr "Da, definitivno!" #: String 1249 msgid "Yes, Keep me updated!" msgstr "Da, držite me informiranog!" #: String 1250 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Jučer" #: String 1251 msgid "You already added a review" msgstr "Već ste dodali recenziju" #: String 1252 msgid "You are assigning a parent category that does not exist" msgstr "Dodjeljujete kategoriju koja ne postoji" #: String 1253 msgid "You are assigning a parent location that does not exist" msgstr "Dodjeljujete lokaciju koja ne postoji" #: String 1254 msgid "You are in maintenance mode, only you can see the website" msgstr "U modu održavanja ste, samo vi možete vidjeti web stranicu" #: String 1255 msgid "You are not using latest version, please update." msgstr "Ne koristite posljednju verziju, molimo ažurirajte." #: String 1256 msgid "You are now viewing the back panel at %s here you can manage your ads, favorites, payments and more." msgstr "Sada ste u modu upravljanja od kuda možete upravljati oglasima, favoritima, plaćanjima itd." #: String 1257 msgid "You are now viewing your admin panel, where you can control almost everything in your classifieds site." msgstr "Sada ste u administratorskom modu od kuda možete upravljati svime na vašoj stranici." #: String 1258 msgid "You are responsible for any damages or down time at your site" msgstr "Odgovorni ste za sve štete ili nedostupnost stranice." #: String 1259 msgid "You are selecting a location that does not exist" msgstr "Odabirete lokaciju koja ne postoji." #: String 1260 msgid "You are unsubscribed" msgstr "Odjavljeni ste" #: String 1261 msgid "You can change the look and feel of your website here." msgstr "Ovdje možete promijeniti izgled i doživljaj vaše stranice." #: String 1262 msgid "You can check payments you made and see your favorites list here" msgstr "Ovdje možete vidjeti plaćanja koja ste proveli i listu favorita." #: String 1263 msgid "You can choose if you wish to display amount of visits at each advertisement." msgstr "Možete izabrati želite li prikazati broj posjeta na pojedinom oglasu." #: String 1264 msgid "You can choose if you wish to display random related ads at each advertisement" msgstr "Možete izabrati želite li prikazivati nasumično izabrane oglase na pojedinom oglasu." #: String 1265 msgid "You can choose if you wish to display sharing buttons at each advertisement." msgstr "Možete izabrati želite li prikazivati gumbe za dijeljenje na pojedinom oglasu." #: String 1266 msgid "You can choose what ads you want to display in home." msgstr "Možete izabrati koji oglasi će se prikazivati na početnoj." #: String 1267 msgid "You can leave it blank for no action." msgstr "Za nepoduzimanje akcije možete ostaviti prazno." #: String 1268 msgid "You can move it to the inactive placeholder" msgstr "Možete premjestiti na neaktivno rezervirano mjesto." #: String 1269 msgid "You can not review yourself." msgstr "Ne možete objaviti recenziju samog sebe." #: String 1270 msgid "You can not set as parent the same category" msgstr "Ne možete postaviti istu kategoriju kao višu." #: String 1271 msgid "You can not set as parent the same location" msgstr "Ne možete postaviti istu lokaciju kao nadređenu" #: String 1272 msgid "You can only add a review if you bought this product" msgstr "Recenziju možete objaviti ako ste kupili ovaj proizvod" #: String 1273 msgid "You can try a new search or publish a new topic ;)" msgstr "Možete probati s ponovnom pretragom ili objaviti novu temu ;)" #: String 1274 msgid "You did not confirmed your delete action." msgstr "Niste potvrdili brisanje." #: String 1275 msgid "You do not have any advertisements waiting to be published" msgstr "Ne postoje oglasi koji čekaju objavu" #: String 1276 msgid "You do not have permissions to access %s" msgstr "Nemate dozvolu pristupiti %s" #: String 1277 msgid "You dont have permission to access this link" msgstr "Nemate dozvolu pristupa ovoj vezi" #: String 1278 msgid "You got %d ads to get processed" msgstr "Imate %d oglasa za procesiranje" #: String 1279 msgid "You have an old version and automatic update is not possible. Please read the release notes and the manual update instructions." msgstr "Posjedujete staru verziju i automatska ažuriranja nisu dostupna. Molimo pročitajte uputstva i instrukcije." #: String 1280 msgid "You have been contacted for these ads" msgstr "Kontaktirani ste u vezi ovih oglasa" #: String 1281 msgid "You have reached the maximum number of custom fields allowed." msgstr "Dosegli ste maksimalan dozvoljen broj korisničkih polja." #: String 1282 msgid "You have succesfully installed the theme!" msgstr "Uspješno ste instalirali temu!" #: String 1283 msgid "You have successfuly changed your data" msgstr "Uspješno ste promijenili podatke" #: String 1284 msgid "You have successfuly unsubscribed" msgstr "Uspješno ste se odjavili" #: String 1285 msgid "You need help or you have some questions" msgstr "Trebate pomoć ili imate neka pitanja" #: String 1286 msgid "You need to enable paypal link to allow only reviews on purchases." msgstr "Morate uključiti paypal vezu ako hoćete dopustiti recenzije prilikom kupnje" #: String 1287 msgid "You need to write reCAPTCHA Site Key to enable the service." msgstr "Morate upisati reCaptcha ključ kako biste omogućili uslugu." #: String 1288 msgid "You need to write your banned words to enable the service." msgstr "Morate upisati banirane riječi kako bite omogućili uslugu." #: String 1289 msgid "You need to write your disqus ID to enable the service." msgstr "Morate upisati svoj disqus ID kako biste omogućili uslugu." #: String 1290 msgid "You need to write your Facebook APP ID to enable the service." msgstr "Morate upisati svoj Facebook APP ID kako biste omogućili uslugu." #: String 1291 msgid "You need to write your reCAPTCHA Secret Key to enable the service." msgstr "Morate upisati svoj reCAPTCHA tajni ključ kako biste omogućili uslugu." #: String 1292 msgid "Your Advertisement can go on top again! For only " msgstr "Vaš oglas ponovno može na vrh! Za samo" #: String 1293 msgid "Your Advertisement can go to featured! For only " msgstr "Vaš oglas može biti istaknut! Za samo" #: String 1294 msgid "Your advertisement is successfully activated! Thank you!" msgstr "Vaš oglas je uspješno aktiviran! Hvala!" #: String 1295 msgid "Your Hash Key for this installation is" msgstr "Vaš Hash Ključ za ovu instalaciju je" #: String 1296 msgid "Your installation version is" msgstr "Vaša verzija instalacije je" #: String 1297 msgid "Your message has been sent" msgstr "Vaša poruka je poslana" #: String 1298 msgid "Your PHP time limit is" msgstr "Vaše PHP vremensko ograničenje je" #: String 1299 msgid "Your profile has been disable for posting, due to recent spam content! If you think this is a mistake please contact us." msgstr "Vašem profilu je zabranjeno objavljivanje zbog nedavnog spam sadržaja! Ukoliko mislite da se pojavila pogreška molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate." #: String 1300 msgid "Your sitemap XML to submit to engines" msgstr "XML Vašeg sitemap-a za slanje tražilicama" #: String 1301 msgid "You will need also a SSL certificate" msgstr "Trebati će Vam i SSL certifikat" #: String 1302 msgid "Zip file failed to extract, please try again." msgstr "Neuspjelo otpakiravanje ZIP datoteke. Molimo pokušajte ponovno." #: String 1303 msgid "Zoom in the map" msgstr "Povećaj ZOOM mape" #: String 1304 msgid "Zoom level" msgstr "Razina zumiranja"